All Enrollment Templates: How to Complete Template 015

All Enrollment Templates: How to Complete Template 015


Here are the quick instructions for utilizing Template 015 Student Enrollment Student School Associations.

Before Beginning, Note:

  • All steps will be completed in Row 7, downwards.


1. Enter the SchoolYear for the data being submitted.

  • This is the current reporting school year and NOT the calendar year.

    • Example: If the reporting school year is 2023-2024, the school year field should be 2024.

  • Note: Incorrect school year provided will cause data to not be found in Data Exchange.

2. Enter the SchoolID.

  • See the chart below for more details.

School ID: Public vs. Non-Public Schools



School ID is a ten digit number comprised from current Corporation and State assigned ID

ALL School ID’s start with 10

Next current state assigned Corporation ID - example 1234

Last ends with state assigned School ID 6789

Example School ID: 1012346789

School ID is a ten digit number comprised from current Corporation and State assigned ID

ALL School ID’s start with 10

Next Corporation ID is always four zeros - example 0000

Last ends with state assigned School ID A456 with Alpha converted to number

  • A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4

Example: School ID: 1000001456

3. Enter the STN.

  • Note: Any STNs beginning with a zero will need the field or entire column to be formatted to hold the nine digits being reported. Leading zeros will be dropped upon reopening the csv file.

4. Enter the GradeLevelDescriptor. 

  • Refer to the chart below.

    • Note: the descriptors must be entered accurately and are both space and case-sensitive.

      • For example, enter “02”, not “2”.

      • Spreadsheets will often eliminate leading zeroes. To prevent, format the column of cells as “TEXT”.

    • Note: Make sure to enter the descriptor on the left, not the definition on the right.

5. Enter the EntryDate.

  • This is the first day the student attends classes “in person” whether physically or virtually. Again, this is NOT the date the student enrolls; but the date they actually begin attending classes.

  • Note: Spreadsheets will often auto-format dates. Be sure to format the cell to “TEXT”, then type the date [MM/DD/YYYY].

6. Enter the ExitWithdrawDate, if necessary.

  • This is the last day the student attended classes “in person” whether physically or virtually. This is not the date the parent comes in to complete withdrawal or exit paperwork, or when you receive a records request from another school or other form of notice regarding the student exiting.

  • Note: Spreadsheets will often auto-format dates. Be sure to format the cell to “TEXT”, then type the date [MM/DD/YYYY].

7. If an ExitWithdrawDate has been provided Enter the ExitWithdrawTypeDescriptor

  • You will enter an allowable numerical code listed that corresponds with the appropriate “ExitWithdrawTypeDescriptor” listed on the chart below.

8. Enter “TRUE” or “FALSE” (case-sensitive) under PrimarySchool for each student based on this guidance:


Remember: Templates must be saved as a CSV file (with cells formatted as TEXT) inside of a Compressed Zipped Folder, in order to process correctly.