Title I: General Reporting Info


  • The purpose of this data collection is to gather information on Title I services a student received or was eligible to receivethroughout the current reporting school year. Data is collected to measure the usage of Title I dollars and implementation of Title I programs.

Title I Data Impacts:

  • The data is submitted in the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) which is the required annual reporting tool for each State, the Bureau of Indian Education, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico by statutory authority under Section 8303 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). The report contains information about the programs included in the report, including the performance of the State under those programs, and other matters deemed necessary, such as monitoring activities.

Title I applies to:

  • This is a required collection for:

    • Public school corporations.

      • It is the responsibility of the Public School Corporation (LEA) to report the data for public, nonpublic schools, and neglected institutions that receive or provide services.

      • Nonpublic schools and neglected institutions that receive Title I services should cooperate with their local public school corporation to provide these data.

    • Charter schools.

Title I requires following data points sent via Vendor or Template:

(click to see more detail):

  • STN

  • Student Demographic Information

  • Student Address

  • EL Proficiency Level & Instrument Used

  • Date of entry into US schools

  • Student Grade Level

  • Student Entry Date

  • Student School Association Exit Date and Exit reason if applicable

  • Primary Educational Entity - True/False

  • Program Ed Org Id

  • Program Type

  • Program Name

  • Program Begin Date

  • Program End Date and Reason when applicable

  • Title Services

Reporting Timeline:




Certification Cycle




Certification Cycle

July 1

June 30

Title I program data should be provided throughout the school year, checked for accuracy and end of school year certification.


General Reporting Info:

  • Report all students enrolled (grade PK-12) and attending the reporting school (education organization) who were participating and receiving title services for a reasonable amount of time (15 or more days) OR completed a title program at any time during the reporting school year for one of the Title I programs.

  • Report students enrolled and attending the reporting school (education organization) who were eligible for a reasonable amount of time (15 or more days) but NOT receiving title services at any time during the reporting school year for one of the Title I programs the student would be participating in.

  • Report students enrolled and attending a non-public or neglected institution for which the public corporation is responsible; receiving title services at any time during the reporting school year.

    • Students must be reported with a School ID associated within the public corporation.

    • Students cannot be reported with the non-public or neglected institution school ID.

  • Report all services a student receives during the reporting school year.

  • IF no services were provided but the student was eligible only provide the program association. DO NOT report any services. 

    • The student will certify (count) as Eligible Not Served.