Special Education: How to Resolve Conflicts
Conflicts occur when two or more schools submit student Special Education Records that are both active as of the count day(s) in question.
Records creating a conflict will cause the student to have a status of ‘excluded’ for certification in ALL the conflicting schools. Conflict records not resolved will not be counted in ANY school’s certification totals.
Conflicts are to be resolved in a timely manner.
Note: A conflict will not be caused if when a public school reports a student with a choice voucher or “undefined” program record.
To resolve conflicts:
Verify accuracy of data in the school’s SIS and if needed make any necessary corrections.
Check Entry/Exit dates for accuracy (no one day grace is allowed)
Contact the school provided in the conflict message to resolve any necessary data corrections.
Note: In the case of a school placing a child at another school to receive services, the originating/responsible school should be publishing the record (IDOE recommends the receiving school create, but not publish a Special Education record for tracking purposes).
Utilize the Data Exchange Contact report found on the Overview tab to locate the person and email to reach out for assistance with resolving the conflict.