Title I: Descriptors, Program Names, & Services

Title I Program Types Descriptors and Program Names

Program Type Descriptors

Program Name

Title I Part D Subpart 1&2

Neglected and Delinquent Program

Title I Part A

Public Schoolwide Program (Title 1 A)

Title I Part A

Public Targeted Assistance Program (Title 1 A)

Title I Part A

Private school students participating (Title 1 A)

Title I Part A and Migrant Title I Part C

Public Schoolwide Program (Title 1 A,C)

Title I Part A and Migrant Title I Part C

Public Targeted Assistance Program (Title 1 A,C)

Title I Part A and Migrant Title I Part C

Private school students participating (Title 1 A,C)

Title I Services

Title Services


Reading Instruction

Student(s) must have completed at least 15 consecutive days of instruction at the reporting education organization (school) or completed a defined program during the year.

Science Instruction

Social Studies Instruction

Math Instruction

Vocational Education

Health Support

Includes eye care

Summer School Extended Time

Includes break weeks for schools on a balanced calendar. Summer School Extended Time is beyond the regular school day even if the hours are the same as a regular school day.

Prekindergarten Extended Time


Before School Extended Time


Saturday School Extended Time


Jump Start Extended Time


Other Extended Time


Guidance Support


Home Visitation Support


Extended-Day Kindergarten


After School Extended Time


Year Round Sessions Extended Time


Title I Reason Exited Descriptors

Reason Exited Descriptors

Program Name


no longer qualifies (may be used when student exits the school and program)

End of Year (EOY)

student participated in the program to the last day of the school year