How to Determine Which Students Are or Are Not Counted for Homebound & Hospitalized Programs

Report a Student for Homebound & Hospitalized Programs if one of these conditions are met:

1. A student receives instruction at home or at a hospital due to an injury or a temporary or chronic illness during the collection period, July 1st through June 30th of the current reporting school year.

Make sure that:

  • A school receives a written statement from the student’s doctor or Christian Science practitioner, in accordance with 511 IAC 7-42-12, indicating that the student has an injury, temporary or chronic illness, or other medical condition.

  • The injury, temporary or chronic illness, or other medical condition will require the student’s absence for an aggregate of at least twenty (20) instructional days.

    • Note: If there are fewer than 20 instructional days remaining in the school year, and the student needs instruction to meet promotion or graduation requirements, the statement must indicate that the student will be unable to attend school through the end of the school year.

2. A student with an IEP has provided a doctor’s statement that he/she has an injury, temporary or chronic illness or other medical condition that will result in the student being absent at least twenty (20) consecutive or aggregate instructional days during the school year, AND if the student is receiving all instruction and special education services by appropriately licensed personnel.

3. A student with a doctor’s statement indicating that the student cannot attend school for at least twenty (20) days due to pregnancy or birth of a child, AND educational services are being provided to the student by appropriate personnel as described in 511 IAC 7-42-12.

4. A special education student may be counted that lives in your district, but attends a private school, if your district is providing the student’s homebound instruction pursuant to Article 7 as long as the student’s parent provided the public school with the required statement from the doctor or Christian Science practitioner.

Do Not Report a Student for Homebound & Hospitalized Programs if:

  • Students who have an extended illness during the school year and whose parents have not complied by providing the school with a written statement from a physician or Christian Science practitioner.

  • A student with an IEP is receiving homebound instruction solely because homebound instruction is required in the student’s IEP.


In cases when a student who was homebound, returned to school and is once again homebound the student would be reported each time he/she is on homebound services. Students may have multiple records showing the begin and end dates for each instance they are receiving homebound or hospitalized services.