Homebound and Hospitalized: General Reporting Info

Homebound and Hospitalized: General Reporting Info


In compliance with IC 20-43-7-5, the DOE – HB report is the mechanism to gather data used to calculate State Tuition Support-SPED for students who receive instruction at home or at a hospital due to injury or illness at any time during the period of July 1st to June 30th of the current reporting school year.

Homebound & Hospitalized Data Impacts:

  • Special Education Homebound Funding (State Tuition Support-SPED) IC 20-43-7-5

  • Information is used for state reporting.

Homebound & Hospitalized applies to:

  • Public schools (Traditional and Charter)

Homebound & Hospitalized requires following data points sent via Vendor or Template:

  1. STN

  2. Student Demographic Information

  3. Student Address

  4. EL Proficiency Level & Instrument Used

  5. Date of entry into US schools

  1. Student Grade Level

  2. Student Entry Date

  3. Student School Association Exit Date and Exit reason if applicable

  4. Primary Educational Entity - True/False

  1. Program Ed Org Id

  2. Program Type: Homebound

  3. Program Name: Homebound/Hospitalized

  4. Program Begin Date

  5. Program End Date and Reason when applicable

Reporting Timeline:




Certification Cycle




Certification Cycle

July 1

June 30

Submission and update of attendance records are available year round


General Reporting Info:

  • Provide a record for all students that received instruction at home or hospital due to injury or illness from July 1 to June 30 for at least an aggregate of 20 instructional days.

    • Students may have multiple program records provided with begin/end dates where the aggregate days total 20 instructional days.

    • Each program record does not have to total 20 instructional days.

    • Those students with program records that does not indicate an aggregate count of 20 days will not count in the July certification.

  • Every student, including both students in special education programs and general education only, for whom the school received the requisite doctor’s statement and who receives homebound instruction due to an injury or temporary or chronic illness should be reported. Sec. 511 IAC 7-42-12.