How to Submit Special Education Termination Program Records

How to Submit Special Education Termination Program Records

Note: only submit a Special Education Record to DEX if you are the School of Responsibility / Access School (for public schools). For more on how to determine the School of Responsibility, go here.

Provide the School of Responsibility or Access School.

  • This is also known as the Education Organization ID.

  • This is the School ID reported where the Special Education services were provided.

Provide the Begin Date.

  • This is the date services for the program began.

Provide the End Date of Termination.

  • This is the date special education services terminated for this student.

  • This is the date special education services changed such as change in schools, change in program, or change in disabilities.

  • The date must be between 07/01 and 6/30 of current reporting year.

Provide the Reason for Termination using the chart and the code values below.

  • This is the reason special education services were terminated for this student.

  • Note: Code “99” is used for students whom were found ineligible and have never received Special Education services.

  • Note: Code “99” is used for students changing schools within a district, changing programs, or changes in disabilities.