Staff Employment: General Reporting Info


Staff Employment data is reported in compliance with IC 20-28-11.5-9 for the purpose of verifying certified employee years of service, IC 20-29-2-4 for the purpose of determining teacher retention rate, and 511 IAC 16-2-7(a) for determining credible services for licensing purposes.

Staff Employment impacts:

  • Impacts matches SAR (Course Outcomes) student data

  • Federal data reporting requirements from IDOE

Staff Employment applies to:

  • Public schools (traditional and charter)

  • Nonpublic Schools Participating in Choice

  • Accredited Nonpublic schools not participating in the Choice Scholarship program

  • Indiana School for the Blind

  • Indiana School for the Deaf

  • Department of Corrections

Staff Employment requires following data points sent via Vendor or Template:

(click to see more detail):

  • ContractEdOrgId

  • SPN

  • EmploymentStatus

  • HireDate

  • EndDate

  • FullTimeEquivalency

  • ContractDays

  • ContractSalary

  • SupplementalSalary

  • PercentTitleISalary

  • YearsofPriorProfessionalExperience

Reporting Timeline:







July 1

October Count Date

June 30

Staff Employment records may be regularly submitted and updated as needed throughout the school year. Staff Employment records are to be accurate for each certification cycle (October and July).

General Reporting Info:

IMPORTANT: Staff Employment records are to be provided by the Educational Organization that ‘holds’ the contract even when those staff may not be physically working in the organization.

  • Staff ID (SPN) must first exist within Ed-ID

  • All staff are not required to have a Staff Employment record provided

    • Staff expected to be certified in July for Staff Assignment MUST have a Staff Employment record

  • Report staff as needed with an accurate Staff Employment record identifying:

    • Their hire date and end date when needed

    • Their employment status

    • Their contract days (not prorated)

      • Note: this is not required data for nonpublic schools

    • Their contract salary (not prorated)

      • Note: this is not required data for nonpublic schools

    • Their supplemental salary

      • Note: this is not required data for nonpublic schools

    • Their percent of salary paid by Title1

      • Note: this is not required data for nonpublic schools

    • Their full time equivalency