Staff Injury: General Reporting Info

Staff Injury: General Reporting Info


Staff Injury data is reported in compliance with IC 20-19-3-27.5 and IC 20-26-5-42 for the purpose of reporting any school staff physically injured while on the job by a direct action of a student.

Staff Injury impacts:

  • State required report

Staff Employment applies to:

  • Public schools (traditional and charter)

Reporting Timeline: NOTE!! Data should be provided at the end of the school year.







July 1

June 30

Total Staff Injury counts are to be submitted at the end of the reporting school year. Multiple submissions of the data will not add but will override the previous count. Schools electing to provide counts throughout the year MUST add counts from previous submissions and provide the totals for each question.

Staff Injury counts are to be accurate by June 30th of each reporting school year.

General Reporting Info:

Each public school shall provide to the department, in a manner prescribed by the department, information concerning an employee of the public school who was physically injured while on the job by a student of the public school.

Report counts as needed of each instance a staff is physically injured by a student while on the job. The staff injury would be directly caused by a student’s action.

  • Counts of each instance will be provided by utilizing an IDOE template.

    • A total number of incidents will be provided in aggregate.

  • Information provided will be a count only at each public school educational organization.

  • Counts of reasons the injury is required to be provided will include any one or combination of the following:

    • The injury is required to be reported to the public schools' worker’s compensation carrier

    • The injury causes the staff to miss all or part of one (1) or more work days

    • The injury is required to be reported to the public school pursuant to the public school’s reporting policy

  • No Staff or Student IDs will be provided.

  • Includes all staff employed by the public school educational organization.