Discipline: Indiana Codes
Discipline: Indiana Codes
DISCIPLINE: Indiana Codes
Indiana Code Requirements:
Students with firearms on school property require that the student be expelled.
IC 20-19-3-4 House Enrolled Act No. 1794
IC 20-33-8-16 Possession of firearms, deadly weapons, or destructive devices
IC 35-41-1-8 Deadly Weapon
IC 35-47.5-2-4 Destructive Device
IC 20-33-8-17 Legal Settlement
IC 20-33-8-23 Suspension pending expulsion decision
IC 20-34-6-1 Bullying and Arrest
IC 20-33-8-0.2 Bully Definition (NEW)
IC-20-26-18 Gang Related Data
IC 20-20-40-13 Restraint and Seclusion
20 U.S.C. 1415 Students with Disabilities who possess a firearm on school property
20 U.S. Code 1416 - Monitoring, Technical Assistance and Enforcement Section 618 (d) (1) (2)
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