Discipline: General Reporting Info


To comply with the following statutes this data is collected to gather student suspension, expulsion and arrest information as a form of disciplinary action as well as bullying, gang related and firearm data.

  • Per IC 20-34-6, Arrest data must be submitted by the Department of Education to the Indiana Legislature and Criminal Justice Institute each year.

  • Per IC 20-34-6, Bullying data must be posted by the Department of Education online each year.

  • Per IC 20-26-18, Gang-related data must be submitted by the Department of Education each year to the Governor and General Assembly.

  • Per 513 IAC 1-2-7(e) Restraint/Seclusion data must be submitted by Public school corporations.

Discipline Data Impacts:

  • Public, State and Federal reporting

Discipline applies to:

(Delete this text and the bullets that don’t apply)

  • Public Schools (Traditional and Charter)

  • Indiana School for the Blind and Indiana School for the Deaf

  • Charter schools (optional reporting of bullying, gang and arrest data)

Discipline requires following data points sent via Vendor or Template

(click to see more detail):

  • STN

  • Student Demographic Information

  • Student Address

  • EL Proficiency Level & Instrument Used

  • Date of entry into US schools

  • Student Grade Level

  • Student Entry Date

  • Student Exit Date and Exit reason if applicable

  • Primary Educational Entity - True/False (school where the student primarily enrolled)

  • STN

  • Incident ID and Incident Date

  • Behavior Descriptor

  • Criminal Gang Related Event Descriptor

  • STN

  • Incident ID and Action ID

  • Discipline Action Identifier

  • Discipline Date and Action Length

  • Behavior Descriptor

  • Arrest and Arrest Reason Descriptor

  • Discipline Action Service Descriptor

Reporting Timeline:




Certification Cycle




Certification Cycle

July 1

June 30

Submission and update of discipline records are available year round


General Reporting Info

  • Report students in grades PK-13 who have a reportable action of In-School Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension, or Expulsion.

  • Report students in grades PK-13 who have a reportable incident of Bullying, Arrest (on or off school property), or Criminal Gang Related infraction.

  • Report infractions that occur on a bus, field trip, etc. to the school ID where the student is enrolled.

    • Students must have a Student School Association (enrollment) record associated to the reporting school ID to provide discipline records.

  • Students may have multiple discipline records reported. Report each action (in-school, out-of-school, expulsion) or incident (bullying, arrest, criminal gang related) separately.

  • Report one incident identifier to all students involved when a group of students (more than one student) is involved in the reportable action or reportable incident.

    • Each student involved may be reported with different actions and different action lengths as needed under the same incident identifier.

  • Report the number of days assigned (action length) for each reportable action of In-School Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension, or Expulsion.

  • Report the actual number of days served (action length) for each reportable action of In-School Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension, or Expulsion.

  • Restraint/Seclusion and School Safety information must be provided for certification.

    • Information will be provided via IDOE survey template (uploaded into Data Exchange).

  • Report total counts of chemical, mechanical, and physical restraints for students in grades PK-13 by school ID.

    • Information will be provided via IDOE survey template (uploaded into Data Exchange).

  • Report total counts of seclusions for students in grades PK-13 by school ID.

    • Information will be provided via IDOE survey template (uploaded into Data Exchange).