Discipline: How to Report Restraint/Seclusion and School Safety

Restraint/Seclusion and School Safety Reporting:

Each School ID under a Corporation or LEA must complete the Restraint and Seclusion Survey (Template 030) to finalize the requirements for Discipline Reporting.

  • Instructions for completing template 030 may be found here.

  • Completion of this survey template should be done once at end of each reporting school year providing the totals for each question regarding restraint and seclusions.

    • The totals provided on the final template provided for each School ID will be the totals utilized.

    • Multiple templates provided with the same School ID will not be combined for totals to each question.

  • Completion of this survey template is required to complete the July certification of Discipline reporting.

  • The template consists of ten (10) questions:

    • Four restraint questions

    • Two seclusion questions

    • One restraint/seclusion plan question

    • Three school safety questions

  • Missing templates for any School ID will create an error message regarding the completion of July certification for discipline reporting.