General Resources: How to "Sign-Off" in Data Exchange

Data Exchange Signoff procedure:

  1. Check plus sign to the right of the data report name

  2. Click the box(es) to the left of the data report name

  3. Scroll to bottom and click “Request Certification Document”

  4. Scroll back to top and make sure all boxes are checked - if not, check them again

  5. Scroll to the bottom and click “Signoff” Button

  6. Presents Hello Sign document

  7. Scroll to bottom, click to sign

  8. Pencil option allows drawn signature, keyboard option allows typing signature

  9. Click “insert”

  10. Click “Continue” button in the top right

  11. Click “I agree”

Second signer will not see the Request Certification Document button, they should proceed to click “signoff” button.