General Resources: Data Requirements for Career Centers (CTE's)

General Resources: Data Requirements for Career Centers (CTE's)

Student Data Reporting Requirements

School Calendar:

  • Start/End dates of the school year

  • Each calendar date expected to be in session; can provide breaks but they are not necessary. Each calendar date provides minutes of instruction expected each day.

  • Start/End dates of each Session (or Term) and each Grading Period; also providing the total number of instructional days for each.

Master Schedule:

  • Session (or Term) with each state course code ID with the local course code.

  • Sections of each course with a unique section identifier, the sequence, and medium of instruction. All must be aligned to the session and local course code.

Student School Association (Enrollment):

  • Enrollment record with start/end date showing primary school ‘false’. Creates the relationship to the student allowing all other data requirements to be provided.

Student Education Organization Responsibility Association (SEORA):

  • Responsibility record with start/end date showing primary responsibility ‘attendance’ as well as providing the COLS (corp of legal settlement) and the accountable school.

  • COLS is the corporation where the student attends (home school) when not at the career center.

  • Accountable school is the school ID the home school is identifying as the accountable school.

  • The accountable school ID should match to what the home school is providing on their SEORA record.


  • Daily attendance providing information if the student is present or absent.

  • Students fulfilling their schedule is considered a full day of ‘in attendance’.

  • Students not fulfilling their schedule is considered a full day of absence; either excused or unexcused per local attendance policy.

  • Students fulfilling their schedule partially should have their present and absence attendance provided accurately with .5 or 1 per local policy.

  • Attendance data submitted is the student’s attendance for the career center and is not used in accountability.

Student Sections (schedule):

  • Student’s schedule for each course they are enrolled and attempting to complete with the accurate local course code, session name, and section provided from the master schedule.

  • Student’s section data must align to the staff’s section data for course outcome reporting.

Course Outcomes:

  • Each student section requires an outcome whether the student completed the course or not.

  • Accurate number of credits earned, type of credits earned, and method credit earned (new).

*Student Demographic: Also called Student Ed Org Association (SEOA)

  • Student’s address, prof. level, race/ethnicity, gender, language, email address, birth country, etc. 

  • Student name, DOB, race, language must match to data provided in Ed-ID portal.

*May be required by the Student Information System vendor to satisfy vendor dependency requirements; but, this is not required by IDOE for career centers.

Staff Data Reporting Requirements

Staff Assignment/Contact:

  • Contact record with accurate school/work email address and Corp ID to give access to the LINK portal.

  • Assignment record with begin/end date and either Corp or School ID to identify those staff for access to IDOE platforms, IDOE communication, July certification, etc.

Staff Employment:

  • ONLY report those staff which you hold the contract. 

  • Employment record with begin/end date with all contract information.

Staff Sections (schedule):

  • Staff’s schedule for each course they are assigned (teaching) with the accurate local course code, session name, and section provided from the master schedule.

  • Staff’s section data must align to the student’s section data for course outcome reporting.

  • Additional to the record is a begin/end date to show how long the staff is assigned to the course and a classroom position showing what type of teacher is in the classroom.