Discipline: How to Report Discipline Incidents and Actions

Discipline: How to Report Discipline Incidents and Actions

Incident Reporting Requirements:

Students MUST have a Student School Association (enrollment) record associated to the Education Organization Id reporting the Incident.

  • A relationship (or enrollment) must exist between the reporting school and the student. The enrollment may be primary ‘true’ or ‘false’.

  • Report the accurate school Id reporting the incident.

Incidents may be provided without an Action. Incidents such as Bullying that do not result in an Action or Gang Related may be reported without an Action.

Incidents resulting in an Action must exist and be identified to the student prior to reporting an Action. Actions cannot exist without an identified incident.

Each Incident will have a unique incident identifier. (The unique identifier is freeform up to 20 characters and created locally)

  • Incidents involving more than one student are to be reported with the same incident identifier.

    • Example: Students involved in a fight; each student would be reported with the same incident identifier.

  • Report the accurate incident date. (Date the student committed a reportable incident)

    • Incident date should be the date the student(s) committed the behavior.

    • Students who have a discipline incident date occurring outside of the school calendar in the reporting school year (7/1 to 6/30) that DOES result in an action of In School Suspension (ISS), Out of School Suspension (OSS) or Expulsion should have the accurate incident date reported.

    • Students who have a discipline incident date occurring outside of the school calendar in the reporting school year (7/1 to 6/30) that DOES NOT result in an action of In School Suspension (ISS), Out of School Suspension (OSS) or Expulsion will not have this incident reported.

  • Report the accurate Behavior (allowable codes in below chart) for each incident.

    • Incidents with behaviors of Bullying or Gang Related without an action will be certified/counted as an Incident (formerly event).

    • Incidents of all other behaviors without an action will not be counted for certification.

Behavior Descriptor

Code Value

Short Description

Long Description

Behavior Descriptor

Code Value

Short Description

Long Description

Behavior Descriptor




Behavior Descriptor




Behavior Descriptor


Deadly Weapons (other than firearms)

Deadly Weapons (other than firearms)

Behavior Descriptor


Handguns (includes BB / Pellet Gun)

Handguns (includes BB / Pellet Gun)

Behavior Descriptor


Rifle or Shotguns (does not include BB, Gas, or Spring-loaded guns)

Rifle or Shotguns (does not include BB, Gas, or Spring-loaded guns)

Behavior Descriptor


Other Firearms

Other Firearms

Behavior Descriptor




Behavior Descriptor


Legal Settlement

Legal Settlement

Behavior Descriptor



Suspension / Expulsion Reasons not covered by any of codes provided or other for reporting gang related activity and arrest events not resulting in suspension or expulsion.

Behavior Descriptor


Fighting - Incident does not rise to the level of Battery

Fighting - Incident does not rise to the level of Battery

Behavior Descriptor



Battery - Student knowingly or intentionally touches another person in a rude, insolent, or angry manner causing or intent to cause bodily injury.

Behavior Descriptor



Intimidation - Communicating a threat with the intent that the other person engage in conduct against their will or be placed in fear of retaliation.

Behavior Descriptor


Verbal Aggression or Profanity

Verbal Aggression or Profanity

Behavior Descriptor




Behavior Descriptor




Behavior Descriptor


Destruction of Property

Destruction of Property

Behavior Descriptor



Unlawful taking of property.

Behavior Descriptor


Sexual Misconduct

Behavior used to obtain sexual gratification at the expense of another.

Behavior Descriptor


Technology Misuse

To use technology in a fashion that does not benefit educational goals; may include cell phone usage.

Behavior Descriptor


Non-Deadly Weapons

May include Ammunition / Bullets (no gun), Paintball Gun, Airsoft Gun, or Stun Gun.

Behavior Descriptor


Physical Bullying

Hurting a persons body or possessions; including spitting, hitting / kicking / punching, tripping or pushing, taking or breaking someone's things, and making mean or rude hand gestures.

Behavior Descriptor


Verbal Bullying

Saying mean things, can include teasing, name-calling, taunting, inappropriate sexual comments, or threatening to cause harm.

Behavior Descriptor


Social / Relational Bullying

Hurting a persons reputation or relationship, telling other students not to be friends with another student, leaving a student out on purpose, spreading rumors, or embarrassing a person in public.

Behavior Descriptor


Written Communication / Electronic Bullying

Cyber-bullying, collective or group note writing, any bullying undertaken through the use of electronic devices such as computer or cell phones.

Behavior Descriptor


Combination (more than one time of Bullying)

More than one type of bullying.

Criminal Gang Related Event Descriptor


Not Criminal Gang-Related

Not Criminal Gang-Related

Criminal Gang Related Event Descriptor


Criminal Gang Related - Investigation Disposed of Internally

Criminal Gang Related - Investigation Disposed off Internally

Criminal Gang Related Event Descriptor


Criminal Gang Related - Case Referred to Local Law Enforcement

Criminal Gang Related - Case Referred to Local Law Enforcement

Action Reporting Requirements:

Students MUST have a Student School Association (enrollment) record associated to the Education Organization Id reporting the Incident.

Actions cannot exist without an Incident record provided. Actions must have a matching incident identifier and matching behavior from the same incident reported educational organization.

Each Action will provide the Incident School ID (where the incident occurred) and the Responsible School ID (the school issuing the discipline action).

  • The student must have a relationship with the school IDs provided for both Incident and Relationship. Meaning the student must have a Student School Association (enrollment) record whether the school ID is primary ‘true’ or primary ‘false’.

  • Students without an enrollment at the school where the incident occurred (IF the responsible school agrees to upholding the action) must have the responsible school ID provided in both fields.

    • Example: Student is involved in a fight at a rival school during a football game. The student does not have an enrollment at this school ID. The responsible school for this student agrees the student should receive an action. The discipline record will be reported by the responsible school with their ID provided on the Incident and Action records.

Each Action will have a unique discipline action identifier. (The unique identifier is freeform up to 20 characters and created locally)

  • Multiple students involved in the same incident but receiving different Actions or lengths of time for the Action will each have their own unique action identifier to the unique incident identifier.

    • Example: Five students are involved in a fight where two of the students receive three days of In-School Suspension, two of the students receive five days of Out-of-School Suspension, and one student receives two days of Out-of-School Suspension.

      • Two students MAY be reported with the same unique action identifier or MAY be reported with their own unique action identifier for the in-school suspension matching to the incident identifier for the fight.

      • Two students MAY be reported with the same unique action identifier or MAY be reported with their own unique action identifier for the five days of out-of-school suspension matching to the incident identifier for the fight.

      • One student MAY be reported with the same unique action identifier or MAY be reported with their own unique action identifier for the two days of out-of-school suspension matching to the incident identifier for the fight.

  • Multiple students involved in the same incident and receiving the same Action and Action length MAY be reported with one unique action identifier or MAY be reported with their own unique action identifier to the unique incident identifier.

    • Example: Five students are involved in a fight where all students receive two days of Out-of-School Suspension.

      • All five students MAY be reported with the same unique action identifier or MAY be reported with their own unique action identifier for the two days of out-of-school suspension matching to the incident identifier for the fight.

  • Report the accurate Behavior for each action (must match to the matching incident record).

  • Report the accurate Discipline Descriptor (allowable codes in below chart) for each action.

Discipline Descriptor

Code Value

Short Description

Discipline Descriptor

Code Value

Short Description

Discipline Descriptor



Discipline Descriptor

Out of School Suspension

Out of School Suspension

Discipline Descriptor

In School Suspension

In School Suspension

Discipline Descriptor



  • Report the accurate Discipline Date for each action.

    • Discipline Date may be a future date.

    • Discipline Date should equal the start date of the action.

  • Report the Discipline Action Length (assigned) and Actual Action Length for In School Suspension (ISS), Out of School Suspension (OSS), or Expulsion.

    • Assigned Length may be provided in .5 or 1 DAY (not hours) increments.

    • Actual Length may be provided in .5 or 1 DAY (not hours) increments OR as zero if the student does not serve any of the assigned length.

    • Assigned and Actual may be the same or they may differ:

    • Example: Student is suspended for five days so the assigned length is reported as five. Student exits the school after day three to attend another Indiana school, moves out of state, etc. The student only served three of the five days so the actual length for the suspension will be reported as three.

  • Report the Discipline Action Service Descriptor (allowable codes in the below chart) for each action.

Discipline Action Service Descriptor

Code Value

Short Description


Discipline Action Service Descriptor

Code Value

Short Description


Discipline Action Service Descriptor


Removed did not receive services for the entire length of the removal.

Student received services for part but not all of the out of school time.

Discipline Action Service Descriptor


Removed but refused services.


Discipline Action Service Descriptor


No Services Provided


Discipline Action Service Descriptor


Removed and received services throughout the term of removal.


Discipline Action Service Descriptor

5 (NOTE: this code is only allowed for students identified with a SE program record)

Interim Alternative Educational Setting


Arrest Action Reporting (additional reporting guidance):

Note: Actions with Discipline Descriptor of Arrested will be certified/counted as an Incident (formerly event) only.

  • Arrest Action must have an Incident record provided.

  • Arrested Discipline Descriptor will have the Behavior descriptor code value 10 = Other provided (matched to the Incident record).

  • Arrested Discipline Descriptor does not require an action length.

    • No assigned or actual action length will be provided.

  • Discipline Date for an Arrest action should be the date of the arrest.

  • Student Arrest Descriptor (On or Off Property) must be provided.

Student Arrest Descriptor

Code Value

Short Description

Student Arrest Descriptor

Code Value

Short Description

Student Arrest Descriptor


Arrest ON School Property

Student Arrest Descriptor


Arrest OFF School Property

  • Arrest Reason Descriptor must be provided. The list of arrest reason descriptors can be found here.

  • Discipline Action Service Descriptor must be provided.

  • Incident and Responsible School ID would be the school ID where the student is enrolled.