How to Report Enrollment for Students Exiting to Job Corps


Job Corps exists both in Indiana and outside of Indiana. Job Corps programs have two different academic tracks.

A. Leads to a High School Equivalency (HSE)

  • Report the appropriate dropout code unless HSE is earned with time frame indicated for exit code 30-Earned High School Equivalency

  • Instructions for use of exit/withdrawal code 30:

    • The High School Equivalency (HSE) also known as TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) is NOT considered a high school diploma. This code is used to report completion rates (not graduation rates). A school may use this code if the HSE is obtained by September 30th of the student's graduation cohort year. If a student drops out, intending to pursue an HSE, submit the enrollment record with the appropriate Dropout Code

    • If the student earns their HSE during their graduation cohort school year, up to June 30th; Submit a revised enrollment record with Code 30. 

B. Leads to a Diploma (typically uses Penn Foster, an online school located in Pennsylvania)

  • Report exit code 25-Transferred Out of State