Vendor FAQ: Student Academic Record

Vendor FAQ: Student Academic Record

We are moving to ExternalEducationOrganizationId. I just checked the vendor documentation and json and I do not see reference to PostSecondaryId in either of them.

All transfer credits will be provided with the current reporting school year and reported with the school ID that is reporting the data. IDOE will recognize the credits earned are not from the school reporting when it is from out of state or homeschool. Term desciptor must exist so we pick up the record.

We are not setting any defaults in the API. So set it to the correct type.

per Accountability - for out of state or homeschool students transferring into your school please provide all school years' HS level transcripted courses provided

Schools should not be providing course outcomes/credits earned that have been issued from another Indiana school. IDOE expects this data to be provided by the issuing school.

GPS is not using transfer credits (currently) and is only using credits earned/reported by the school. When HS on track is implemented then IDOE will look at a student's entire credit history.

SS data can be provided for those 2023 graduates and only the SSA record is needed to create the relationship.