Vendor FAQ: Discipline
Former user (Deleted)
Expulsion hearing is held in current school year and upheld will be reported in current school year. Expulsion hearing is held in past school year and days carry into current school year will have the expulsion provided in past school year only. This also includes OSS (Out-Of-School Suspensions) that might carry over. Attendance is not reported for those days carry over to the current school year.
Students with either a suspension or expulsion that carries over to the next reporting school year will NOT have those suspension/expulsion days reported at the start of the next school year. Discipline actions should be reported in the school year the student receives the action; not again in the following school year. Discipline attendance is not reported at the start of the next school year when the action carries over. The student will have an enrollment record at the time they return to the school. If the student does not return then a one day enrollment record showing the mobility or dropout reason should be provided prior to the start of the school calendar. IDOE will continue to work with business owner to finalize instruction; but it is anticpated the actual number of days will show all days including those that carry over while the actual number of days served would show the number of days left in the reporting year.
Unique incident identifers can be repeated each school year. The identifier will be unique to the school year's ODS.