Vendor FAQ: Multilingual Learners

Vendor FAQ: Multilingual Learners

PK students with a language code other than English are not associated to a ML program. They are reported with Prof. Level 0 and Instrument Used is code value 7=N/A.

Multilingual Learner programs are not to be ended when a student has a change in the proficiency level. The only time a program should be ended is when the student is changing program services or the student is graduated.

Definition per KH pages: Immigrant Student with only English Reported on Indiana Home Language Survey. Report Prof. Level NES - program is not required - instrument used is not required - Birth Country is required and must be outside of the USA or USA territories

Prof. level is NES, instrument used is 7 (N/A) and birth country. The program is not required. If vendor software requires a program when prof. level is other than 0 then program will be Regular Education - Non-EL.

Special education students who have received a COC may return and they should have an enrollment record provided along with all other data reported as required. The SAR record would be provided with a 'diploma award date' prior to 10/1. The record would show school year 2024 (still counted in 2023 grad) with term descriptor matching to term provided in 2024. Special ed program record would not be ended if student is still receiving services.

English speaker/born in USA no longer participating in DLI program should have an end date provided on the program record with code 99. In addition IDOE is going to update ML-19 for 2025 school year reporting (no prof. level will be required when DLI for English speaker born in USA).