Attendance: General Reporting Info


Attendance data are reported in compliance with IC 20-33-2-3.2 and IC 20-33-2-14 for the purpose of State and Federal Reporting.

Attendance Data Impacts:

  • Participation Rate for Testing

  • State and Federal Accountability

Attendance applies to:

  • Public Schools (Traditional and Charter)

  • Non-Public Choice School

  • Accredited Non-Public Non-Choice School

  • Accredited Programs providing the majority of the education for students

  • Department of Correction

Attendance requires following data points sent via Vendor or Template

(click to see more detail):

  • Grading Periods

  • Terms/Sessions

  • Calendar Type

  • STN

  • Student Demographic Information

  • Student Address

  • EL Proficiency Level & Instrument Used

  • Date of entry into US schools

  • Student Grade Level

  • Student Entry Date

  • Student Exit Date and Exit reason if applicable

  • Primary Educational Entity - True/False (school where the student primarily enrolled)

  • School and Term

  • Event Date

  • Event Duration (.5-half or 1-whole day)

  • Attendance Event (Attendance Code)

Reporting Timeline:




Certification Cycle




Certification Cycle

July 1

June 30

Submission and update of attendance records are available year round


General Reporting Info

  • Report ALL students' attendance who are enrolled and attending at any time during the academic school year. 

    • Pre-Kindergarten and Post High School students (grades PK and 13) data will not be included in state reports or used in any accountability calculations.

    • Students dual enrolled, attending a career or CTE program, or attending less than 50% of the time attendance data will not be included in state reports or used in any accountability calculations.

  • All days should be reported as either full (1) or half (.5) day.  

    • Students may have two attendance records for the same day with different attendance event codes with each record reported as half (.5) to total a full day (1) of attendance.

    • Students enrolled and SCHEDULED with less than a full day AND fulfill their scheduled classes for the day are reported with a whole day of attendance. 

    • Students enrolled and SCHEDULED with less than a full day AND do not fulfill their scheduled classes for the day are reported with either a half day or whole day of absence depending on the amount of time they participated in their scheduled classes.

    • Students enrolled in two schools DO NOT have their attendance combined from the two schools to equal a full day of attendance.

  • Attendance roster reports are provided in the Data Exchange Validation Portal under the July Submission Cycle tab, Validation Tab. Select the Attendance Enrollment counts to download. Rosters may be used for attendance reporting verification.

    • Attendance rosters will provide ALL students enrolled any time during the school year with showing if the student is ‘certified’ or ‘excluded’ from the certification counts.

    • Students reported with primary school as ‘false’ will show a status of ‘excluded’ on the roster and will not be counted in the overall attendance counts for certification. 

    • Students reported and have an error or conflict message will show a status of ‘excluded’ on the roster and will not be counted in the overall attendance counts for certification.

      • Excluded status will remain until the error or conflict is corrected. Errors and Conflicts are expected to be corrected prior to certification.

  • Schools utilizing templates to report required attendance data must provide all necessary data in the order and manner described in the Attendance Template Reporting Training. 

  • Summer school attendance is not reported.  IC 20-33-2-5