How to Report Student Attendance with Discipline

How to Report Student Attendance with Discipline


In-School Suspension:

In-School Suspension days WILL be included in the student’s counts for the 162 days accountability count. 

  • Students serving ISS are counted in Days Attended. 

  • Students should be reported with “In Attendance” code. DO NOT use the “Suspended” attendance code.

Out of School Suspension:

Out-of-School Suspension days will NOT be included in the student’s counts for the 162 days accountability count.

  • Students serving OSS are not counted as in attendance or absent and should have the attendance code of “Suspended” reported for those days. 

  • Students serving OSS for .5 (half) day and any other attendance event for the remainder .5 (half) day should have two attendance event records reported to equal “1” day of attendance.

    • example: Student is “in attendance” in the morning and “suspended” in the afternoon will show two attendance event records of .5 in attendance and .5 suspended = 1 day where only .5 (half) will count towards the 162 accountability day counts.

Out of School Suspension to Expulsion:

Student is serving an Out of School Suspension while awaiting an Expulsion hearing and it is determined the student is expelled. All “Suspension” attendance codes leading up to the expulsion are to be updated to “Expelled” allowing attendance data to match discipline data for the Expulsion. 


Expulsion days will NOT be included in the student’s counts for the 162 days accountability count. 

Note:  An Exit Withdraw type code of 33=Serving Expulsion is submitted in the Student School Association (enrollment) record for schools to report the student as serving an expulsion.

  • Students serving an Expulsion are not counted as in attendance or absent and should have the attendance code of “Expelled” reported for each day the student is serving the expulsion.

  • Students serving an Expulsion for .5 (half) day and any other attendance event for the remainder .5 (half) day should have two attendance event records reported to equal “1” day of attendance.

    • example: Student is “in attendance” in the morning and “expelled” in the afternoon will show two attendance event records of .5 in attendance and .5 expelled = 1 day where only .5 (half) will count towards the 162 accountability day counts.

Note: Students continuing to receive their educational services from the expelling educational organization while serving their expulsion will NOT have an Exit Withdraw type code of 33=Serving Expulsion submitted in the Student School Association (enrollment) record.

  • Students continuing to receive their educational services from the expelling educational organization while serving their expulsion will NOT have the attendance code of “Expelled” reported.

  • Students are to have the accurate attendance event code provided indicating how they are being educated/present each day or how they are not being educated/absent each day the student is serving the expulsion.

Additional Expulsion Attendance/Enrollment Reporting Guidance:

  • Schools notified by a parent/guardian, student, or another educational organization the student is dropping out, moving, being homeschooled, or enrolled will update the exit date to the school calendar date prior to the change in enrollment and update the reason to the appropriate/accurate exit code.

  • Expelled attendance codes should remain intact up to the day of the new exit date.

  • Expelled attendance provided after the new exit date should be ‘deleted’.

Student Placed in a Juvenile Detention Facility:

Students must be receiving instructional services under the guidance of a licensed teacher to be counted in attendance. It is up to the school corporation and the juvenile facility to determine which has the responsibility of reporting the student. Such decisions may be based upon, among other criteria, the length of time the student will be in the detention center; the language in any joint service agreements between the detention center, its fiscal agent corporation, and any member corporations; or the status of the student after adjudication. See Policy on Detention Center Education.  For additional guidance contact Cathy Danyluk, State Attendance Officer cdanyluk@doe.in.gov