How to Report Students in Foster Care

Foster Care Program Associations

Program Type

Program Name


Program Type

Program Name


Foster Care

Foster Care

PER 45CFR Sec. 1355.20: Foster care means 24-hour substitute care for children placed away from their parents or guardians and for whom the title IV-E agency has placement and care responsibility. This includes, but is not limited to, placements in foster family homes, foster homes of relatives, group homes, emergency shelters, residential facilities, child care institutions, and pre adoptive homes. A child is in foster care in accordance with this definition regardless of whether the foster care facility is licensed and payments are made by the State, Tribal or local agency for the care of the child, whether adoption subsidy payments are being made prior to the finalization of an adoption, or whether there is Federal matching of any payments that are made.

Foster Care Exit Descriptors

Possible Reason(s) Exited

Code Value


Possible Reason(s) Exited

Code Value


No Longer Qualifies


Example Situations:

  • Switches schools

  • Foster care status changes

End of the Year

End of Year (EOY)