How to Report Students with Parent/Guardian in Military

Parent/Guardian in Military Student Program Associations

Program Type

Program Name


Program Type

Program Name


Parent in Military

Parent in Military

Students that have been identified as one or both parents/guardians are actively serving in any branch of the Armed Forces. Report students where the parents/guardians are or were active duty members of any Branch of the Armed Forces (Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard) even if the parent becomes inactive during the school year OR if the parent becomes active during the school year AND you are notified; otherwise report the student the following year when data is collected for the new school year. 

Parent/Guardian Exit Descriptors

Possible Reason(s) Exited

Code Value


Possible Reason(s) Exited

Code Value


No Longer Qualifies


Example Situations:

  • Parent/Guardian retires from the Military

  • Exits the school

End of the Year

End of Year (EOY)