How to Report Students who are Homeless and Unaccompanied Youth

How to Report Students who are Homeless and Unaccompanied Youth


1. Provide the Student STN.

2. Enter the appropriate Homeless and Unaccompanied Youth Student Program Associations using the chart below.

Homeless and Unaccompanied Youth Student Program Associations

Program Type

Program Name


Program Type

Program Name



Homeless Doubled-up

Student sharing housing due to loss of housing or economic hardship.


Homeless Hotels/Motels

Student living in hotels and motels for lack of housing.


Homeless Shelters and Transitional Housing

Student living in emergency, domestic violence or transitional shelter.


Homeless Unsheltered

Student living in campgrounds, trailer parks, cars, parks, public spaces, temporary trailers, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus and train stations for lack of housing.

Unaccompanied Youth

Unaccompanied Youth

A student that is not in the physical custody of the parents or legal guardians. A student that is not in the physical custody of the parents or legal guardian and also qualifies for McKinney/Vento. This includes students considered ‘couch surfers’.

Note: The definition of homeless does include migratory students who are living in aforementioned situations. 

Note: The definition of homeless does not include those awaiting foster care placement”.

Reporting Scenario: Student is identified as eligible for McKinney Vento services then circumstance changes where student is now in permanent housing.

  • Homeless program record should remain open until the end of the school year or when student exits the corporation.

Reporting Scenario: Student is eligible for homeless program in school ‘A', exits and enrolls at school ‘B’ where McKinney Vento services are required to continue since student was identified at school 'A’.

  • School liasion at school ‘A' must reach out to liasion at school 'B’ to inform that the student needs to be reported with a Homeless program record.

  • School 'A' should exit the Homeless program record to match the SSA exit date.

  • School 'B' should create a Homeless program record with begin date matching SSA entry date and leave open until end of school year.

3. Enter the appropriate Reason Exited Descriptors when/if necessary.

  • A Code Value of “99” would apply to situations such as:

    • Switches schools

    • Type of homeless changes (the student will require a new Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Program Association record for each change of setting).