06/07/2024 Weekly Announcement

Data Exchange Weekly Announcement for 06/07/2023


Item #1

Summer PCG Nighly Upload Guidance\

To provide availability in PCG for students that need a Special Education Evaluation over the summer or for students transferring to your corporation from another Indiana corporation that you have a need to access the IEP, the following guidance has been established.

Prior to 7/1/2024

  • Create SSA False with entry date after 2024 calendar and before 7/1/24 the record should be included in nightly update to PCG.

    • Create single-day SSA record on the last day of the school year, primary false, If unable to provide enrollment date after last day of school

After 7/19/2024

  • It is anticipated that by 7/19/24 schools can submit an SSA True record with entry date the first day of 2025 school calendar (future date) if student for students transferring from another Indiana corporation.

    • Be advised that the exiting school corporation must have exited both the SSA and SE program record before access to IEP at new corporation is provided.

    • NOTE:  Be advised that once a primary true enrollment record is created and provided to DEX, the new corporation becomes the responsible corporation for the student.

  • For SE evaluation or SE walk-in purposes, primary False.

This guidance will be posted to Data Exchange Knowledge Hub > School Support Hub >General Resources.

Item #2


We have been notified that the ALMA SIS is now Indiana Ed-Fi Certified to report DEX data for the 2024-2025 school year.

Item #3

Template Download Instructions

IDOE support has been handling a large number of concerns where a schools is attempting to utilize a template but asking for the template to be shared. Be advised that opening the template in Knowledge Hub will not allow editing. The template must first be downloaded to the user’s local work staton before entering data. The template should be downloaded as a csv document. Once data has been added, save as csv then zip up or compress the document before uploading to DEX.

Item #4

Data Exchange University - Level 200 Added

Course 200: Advanced Skills in Excel and Sheets has been added to DEXU and provides instruction in VLookup and Pivot Tables in Excel and Google Sheets.

Item #5

Employability Skills and Postsecondary-Readiness Guidance

Schools must provide both Employability Skills and Postsecondary-Readiness Competency data together. Schools cannot provide one data without the other.

  • AchievementCategoryDescriptor "N/A or Did not Demonstrate" is allowed to be submitted for all the diploma levels before 2023 cohort.

  • AchievementCategoryDescriptor "N/A or Did not Demonstrate" is not allowed to be submitted for all the diploma levels except “6”(Certificate of Completion (IEP program Completed) and “7”(Course Completion) on or after 2023 cohort.

Item #6

Credit Recovery and Virtual Online Credit Definitions Updates Coming

Credit Recovery Method Credit Earned will be updated to read: ‘Student is being educated and attempting to earn or earns credit in a classroom setting utilizing a virtual or online platform where the student may be working on one or more subjects in the same class period. Student may be attempting to recover credits, replace credits already earned, or catch up on credits needed to fulfill graduation requirements.

Method Credit Type Earned of Virtual/Online will be updated to read: ‘Student is being educated in a classroom setting or outside of the school building and attempting to earn or earns credit from a virtual or online platform the school did participate in scheduling. Student may be attempting to earn credits in a course the school does not have available in their course catalog or working ahead in course(s) for credit to fulfill graduation requirements.


Item #7

Course Outcomes, Method Credit Types - Summer School 2023 data vs Summer School 2024 Data

Method Credit Type Summer School credit should be reported for summer schools courses taken during the summer of 2023.

All courses taken during the summer 2024 must be reported with one of the Participation Method Credit Types per legislative decision.

Upcoming Events

Other Business Owner Announcements

Item #1

From Office of Accountability

NEW: Attendance Submissions in Data Exchange

Please check attendance data in Data Exchange by going to the Certification tab and then Attendance to ensure that the 162 day count is accurate. Check the number of students in the ‘Eligible Student Count >= 162 days’ column for accuracy and work to fix any errors in the attendance submission immediately. Contact IDOE’s Office of Accountability with any questions.

 NEW: 2024 Cohort Locking Soon

The 2024 cohort will lock on Friday, June 28. Please check cohort reports for accuracy and pay special attention to any students with an Unknown Cohort status. The Unknown Cohort status is a dropout status and counts against the graduation rate. Many Unknown Cohort statuses can be fixed by the school/corporation via data entries. Specific details about the causes of the Unknown Cohort status and what to do about it can be found in the Unknown Cohort Status webinar and the accompanying slides found on Moodle. The case-sensitive enrollment key for the Moodle community is AccountabilityCommunity. Contact IDOE’s Office of Accountability with any questions.


REMINDER: 2024-2025 Corporation Amendments

The 2024-2025 school year corporation amendment window is open through Friday, August 30. Corporations and schools with school profile changes should submit a corporation amendment request with supporting documentation via Jotform. Information regarding submission can be found here. Corporations and schools without any school profile changes do not need to submit a request. Contact IDOE’s Office of Accountability with any questions.

Historical Announcements

Item #1

Reporting Good Cause Exemptions to IDOE

Beginning 4/5/2024, the Indiana Department of Education will be accepting submissions for Good Cause Exemptions (GCE’s) for IREAD exclusively through the Data Exchange.  The current process using the JotForm is closed as of 4/4/24.  Good Cause Exemptions will be reported exclusively through the Data Exchange (See How to Report student Good Cause Exemptions). A short excerpt from this guidance page is provided below. 


Exemption based on IEP Case Conference Committee decision


Exemption based on ILP Committee decision


Exemption based on retained twice prior to fourth grade

Note: GCEs can only be applied for an eligible student who has participated in at least one IREAD-3 administration and after a review of valid test results. An undetermined score that does not provide a scale score is not considered valid. Grade two students who do not receive a passing score must retest in grade three, and are not eligible to receive a GCE after their first administration.

As Good Cause Exemptions are reported to the IDOE, we will regularly update the IREAD-3 and ILEARN Report - Current Enrollment report on Ed-Data so schools can see the status of their current students with regard to their exemption status. Questions on reporting GCE’s through Data Exchange can be directed to http://help.doe.in.gov

Item #1

CC-17 Error Message Re-Deployed 5/23/24

Error message CC-17 Student not counted for course outcomes. Method credit earned must be provided on student course transcript record has been deployed. The deployment of this new message will likely have increased the number of Course Outcome validation messages that are triggered. It is suggested that a review of the Course Transcript ODS (DEX Review page) resource be downloaded to locate records where the “MethodCreditEarned” field is blank. Populating these blank fields will resolve the errors.

Method credit earned is a required datapoint for all grade levels whether the course is credit bearing or not. Guidance for reporting Method Credit earned is provided here .

To review, navigate in DEX to the Review page and select the Course Transcript resource. If the “MethodCreditEarnedDescriptor” field is blank, the error will trigger.

Item #2

Upcoming Changes for Summer School Reporting

Addition of three method credit types for all courses students are engaged with a Summer School method designation

  1. Summer Participation 49% or less

  2. Summer Participation 50% to 89%

  3. Summer Participation 90% or more

Reasons for the addition of the Summer Participation methods:

  • Alignment between reported students on the summer school finance side and reported outcomes on the course side.

  • Determining number of students involved in any type of summer school.

  • Determining students who participated in summer school non-credit bearing instruction with a literacy focus--what were their participation rates vs. assessment outcomes in the next assessment window.

Known / Resolved Issues