Date ((Most Recently Created) | Area | Document Name | Description of Change |
| Exit Withdrawal Descriptor codes | Edited Exit code 15 - Truancy (Underage No Shows) removed the word “consecutive” from the code definition. There is no mention of 10 days of “consecutive” absence in IC IC 20-33-2-28.5. The code specified 10 days of absence. | |
| Enrollment Reporting Guide | Added 5th bullet under item 3: guidance for No show students including mid-year no-shows. | |
| General Resources - CRDC | New page providing information for CRDC dashboards found in LINK portal - EdData Tile | |
| Enrollment Reporting Guides | https://drive.google.com/file/d/11H7BXkbPb5nUiQCaCqI6qNV7ZerSvtk7/view | Added form that should be utilized when student withdraws to non-accredited non-public school or homeschool. Link to form is also included in Exit Codes 20 & 31 descriptions. |
| Staff Injury Template Instructions | Updated reporting guidance to change from reporting at the school ID level to the LEA ID level. Counts of staff injury are to be provided at the LEA and not each individual school. | |
| Calendar | Added third bullet under Instructional Days and updated description of Calendar Event Descriptors. Guidance now includes instruction that Delay/Early Dismissal - Other should not be used for reasons unrelated to staff and student safety such as staff trainings and in-services. | |
| FAQ: Special Education IEP section | Added IEP section to Special Education FAQ page and added four FAQs related to the new IEP program regarding IEP/ILP Support staff assignment. | |
| Staff Assignment | Added IEP/ILP Support under Key Contacts Staff Classification | |
| Discipline | Added IC for Bullying Definition | |
| Discipline | Updated Action Length reporting (highlighted in pink) | |
| Special Education Termination | Updated guidance on third bullet | |
| Special Education Evaluation Descriptors | Added additional clarification of use for Timeline Compliance code 09 | |
| Student Academic Record (Course Outcomes) References | Added FAQ under Grade/Credit Earned Reporting section with school year 2024-2025 highlighted in pink. | |
| Student Alternative Education Programs | 2025 Alt-Ed program list is now corrected and posted. | |
| Student Academic Record (Course Outcomes) How To Report | Updated guidance on reporting credits earned when a student is replacing or better their grade/gpa. | |
| Special Education Template | Added Identified Unserved NonPublic/Homeschool Only program to list of allowable programs for reporting | |
| Special Education | Provided more information on use of Identified Unserved NonPublic/Homeschool Only program | |
| Special Education | Provided link for Identified Unserved NonPublic/Homeschool Only program | |
| Student Academic Records | Added button to How To Report Staff Section as a Template User under How To’s area. | |
| Attendance | Added section on students with long term medical conditions. | |
| Attendance | References - State Attendance Officer FAQ | Added reference doc link under References section from IDOE State Attendance Officer web page. |
| Staff Section | Created Reporting Guide: Staff Section page. | |
| Student Academic Records | Added links to the IDOE Course Titles and Descriptions web page. Added link to the Staff Section reporting page. | |
| Discipline | Added Indiana Code and notes to Legal Settlement-09 Behavior Descriptor. | |
| Staff Assignment | Assessment Test Coordinator is no longer a valid staff classification descriptor. | |
| Title General Reporting | Removed reference to 15 day enrollment requirement in a program. | |
| Membership ADM descriptors | Added KG statement to ADM codes 2, 3, 4, 5 regarding KG-morning and KG-afternoon. | |
| Language Descriptors (Student & Multilingual Learners) | Removal of duplicate languages discovered after additional languages were done at the start of the school year. | |
| Student Accommodations | Accommodations are updated and final for 2024-2025 school year. | |
| Template 018 (Student Section) | Updated template and instructions on completing the template. | |
Student Academic Record (Course Outcomes) | Added Student Section reporting information with new additional field of Attempt Status. | ||
| Alternative Education references and Additional Information references | 2024-2025 Active Military Children in Education form - English | Active Military Children form updated for current school year and link to Military Children and Families site |
| Membership | Updated ADM 3 with new HB 1380 information | |
| Template References | Buttons added to both Template by Task and Number, General Resources How To, and Template Support and Troubleshooting pages | |
| Student Demographics reporting guidance | Changed country code chart link to link to the Country Code descriptors document | |
| Multilingual Learners reporting guidance | Multilingual Learners: Student Descriptors related to Multilingual Learners | Changed country code chart to a link to the Country Code descriptors document |
| Ed-ID Support Hub | Added new staff classification Ed-ID Requestor to response to question “What roles will have access to the Ed-ID portal?” | |
| Ed-ID Support Hub | Added chart detailing Ed-ID Staff Classification roles | |
| Staff Assignment | Added Ed-ID Requestor classification and updated Data Viewer, LEA and School Administrator, and Data Administrator classification additional notes in relation to access in Ed-ID. | |
| Multilingual Learners, Student Demographics, ED-ID Support Hub | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s1WBMBJx6anmHbUXyYmNmLjNCSE3Iy5U/edit | Removed old dates from the document/ |
| Curricular Materials Assistance References | No longer a form for Non-public and Public. A single form is to be utilized for both non-pub and public. | |
| Enrollment Exit Withdraw Descriptors | Updated Exit Code 31 with the retirement of INview | |
| Title: How to Determine Students Not Reported | Change in reporting guidance; removing the guidance regarding 15 days. | |
| Discipline: How to Report Discipline Incidents and Actions | Updated guidance on reporting incidents under incident date. | |
| School Support - Reporting Guidance Reference | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z72kfn0TEHsGVre4YpflEDkwJlFK8uhm/view?usp=drive_link | Updated the Kindergarten Enrollment FAQ on the Membership Reporting References and added the Kindergarten Enrollment FAQ to Enrollment Guidance References. |
| School Support – Reporting Guidance Pages | 2024-2025 Knowledge Hub Page Updates Document will provide links to pages with updates for the start of the school year. Additional updates from 8/22/24 will be provided in detailed format and not added to this document. | Most all pages have some updates to address 2025 development changes. Pages to note with more updates: Multilingual Learners, Graduate, Student Academic Record, Special Education, Special Education Evaluation, Special Education Termination. |
| Template 020 | Template 020 StudentProgram_StudentProgramAssociations | How to Complete and Tutorial updated to include Curricular Materials program. |
| Template Hub (by Task and by Number) | Template 025 Removed | Removal of template 025 as the program is now reported on template 020. |
| Template Hub (by Task and by Number) | Template 005 MasterSchedule_Sections; Template 013 Student_Studentparentassociations; Template 027 StudentTranscript_StudentAcademicRecordDiploma | Updates to each template (005, 013, 027) as well as the How to Complete and Tutorials. |