ADM Code Types & Descriptions

ADM Code Types & Descriptions

ADM 1 = Resident Enrollment (Public and Charter Schools)

  • Resident enrollments are students enrolled and attending with legal settlement in the reporting school corporation. Resident enrollments include:

    • Foreign Exchange students residing in and attending the reporting corporation (this does not include F1 Visa students)

    • Charter Schools - students enrolled and attending a charter or innovation network charter school

    • KG students identified as KG - morning or KG - afternoon grade level will show funding amount as .5

ADM 2 = Transfers Out (Public Schools)

  • Transfers Out are students with legal settlement in the reporting school corporation but are enrolled and attending a different school corporation in Indiana or another state for at least one of the following reasons:

    • An agreement between both corporations (COLS and the educating/servicing corporation)

      • including students attending a special education or vocational education cooperative located outside of the student’s COLS for ‘better educational accommodation’ reasons (best meeting the educational needs or interests of the student)

    • A student transfer agreement under IC 20-26-11-5 between the COLS and the student’s parent/guardian for ‘better educational accommodations’ reasons

    • An order by the State Board of Education for ‘better educational accommodations’ (student is served by a public or private school under a contract for residential or alternative services through the Secretary of Education)

    • Students placed by a parent/guardian under IC 20-26-11-8(b) in a different corporation than the COLS

    • Students placed by a physician under IC 20-26-22-11.5 in a different corporation than the COLS

    • KG students identified as KG - morning or KG - afternoon grade level will show funding amount as .5

ADM 3 = Cash Transfers (Public Schools)

  • Cash Transfers are students enrolled and attending without legal settlement in the reporting corporation with an agreement between the reporting corporation and the parent/guardian.

    • Students who are not a legal resident of the reporting corporation but attending with the approval of the school board

    • Per House Bill (HB) 1380 section 12 schools can no longer charge transfer tuition

    • KG students identified as KG - morning or KG - afternoon grade level will show funding amount as .5

ADM 4 = State Obligations (Public Schools)

  • Students enrolled and attending in the reporting corporation due to the result of one of the following state actions:

    • Placement in an institution operated by division of disability, aging, and rehabilitative services or the division of mental health and addiction that is located in the reporting corporation

    • Placement by the division of disability, aging, and rehabilitative services or the division of mental health and addiction in an institution, a public or private facility, a home, a group home, or an alternative family setting that is located in the school corporation

    • Children of state employees living on state property

    • This does not include students placed by parents, Indiana welfare offices, Indiana courts, or Indiana licensed child-placing agencies, or by government agencies from another state

    • KG students identified as KG - morning or KG - afternoon grade level will show funding amount as .5

ADM 5 = Placements In (Public Schools)

  • Students enrolled and attending in the reporting corporation due to the result of one of the following actions for non-educational reasons (for the physical and/or mental well-being of the student):

    • Placement by county welfare offices, state courts (court order), or state licensed child-placing agencies (department of child services)

    • Placement in a foster home that is located in the corporation

    • Placed by a parent/guardian in a state licensed private or public health facility or child care facility that is located in the corporation

      • placement is necessary for the student’s physical or emotional health and well-being

      • placement is in a health care facility for not less than fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days or a total of twenty (20) calendar days with the recommendation of a physician (IC 20-26-11-8b)

    • EXCEPTION: students placed for non-educational reasons without a legal settlement (COLS) outside of the reporting corporation are reported with ADM 1-resident enrollment

    • KG students identified as KG - morning or KG - afternoon grade level will show funding amount as .5

ADM 6 = Dual Enrollment (Public and Charter Schools)

  • Students enrolled and attending less than 50% of their time in both the reporting corporation or charter school AND a non-public or home school AND receiving less than 50% of their instructional services from the reporting corporation or charter school (IC 20-43-4-6)

    • Includes Indiana School for the Blind & Visually Impaired or Indiana School for the Deaf students IF the student physically attends the reporting corporation for less than 50% of their instructional time

    • Students receiving only special education services are not considered dual enrolled (i.e. walk-in speech or physical therapy students)

  • Note: reporting of ADM 6 also requires Instructional Days and Instructional Minutes to be provided to determine if the student is enrolled and attending less than 50% of their time

  • Note: KG students cannot be reported as dual enrolled

ADM 10 = Choice Scholarship (Schools participating in the Choice Scholarship Program)

  • Students enrolled and attending a non-public school participating in the Choice Scholarship Program AND have an approved Choice application for one or both count dates (Fall/October, Spring/February)

    • Includes students dual enrolled with a public corporation or home school where the student attends more than 50% of their instructional time at the non-public school with an approved Choice application for one or both count dates

ADM 20 = Adult Education (Adult Charter Schools IC 20-24-7-13.5)

Adult Learners (students) enrolled and attending an identified Adult Charter School