Data Reporting Notification 12/12/2024

Data Reporting Notification 12/12/2024

Data Reporting Notification 12/12/2024


Item #1


Special Education Certification/Signoff Extension

IDOE has learned that the signed Special Education summary pdf provided via Data Exchange was not formatted to allow the Total Certified column to be included in the pdf document. A fix for this issue will be pushed to production later today, Thursday, December 12, 2024. Unfortunately, those LEAs that have completed the certification process will be required to signoff/certify the data again. To signoff again navigate to the Certify page then Signoff tab. Clicking the link to Reset Signoff will allow a new certification. We do apologize for this inconvenience and are providing an extended timeline for the signoff to be accomplished. Be advised that the December Certification end date has been moved to Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 4:00 pm ET.

NOTE: This extension does not affect the timeline related to requesting validations to correct Special Education data. All Validation Requests to make corrections to Special Education data must be submitted by the end of the day Friday, December 13, 2024.