09/29/2023 Weekly Announcement

09/29/2023 Weekly Announcement

Data Exchange Weekly Announcement for 09/29/2023


Item #1

NEW: October Certification Reminders

  • October Census date is Monday, October 2, 2023!!! Make sure you are reviewing all your data now. Schools needing assistance from IDOE must have support tickets submitted by 11:59pm (ET) on October 2nd.

  • The last nightly validation run will be tonight, Friday, 9/29/2023.

  • From 9/30/2023 and through 10/5/2023 you may run manual validations by selecting the Rerun Rules Validation on the Validations page.

  • Beginning Friday, 10/6/2023 through Friday, 10/13/2023, if a validation is necessary you will need to select the Data Correction Request button on the Certification tab.

Item #2

End OF PEBT and Replacement Cards

PEBT ended May 11, 2023 with the end of the Federal Public Health Emergency. Indiana Division of Family Resources considers all issuances complete as of 9/22/23.
PEBT card replacement requests will no longer be accepted as of 9/28/23. Any pending requests for replacement cards will be completed as of 9/29/23. No further access to PEBT replacement cards will be available.

Item #3

NEW: Maintaining Access to LINK Portal Apps

There has been an increasingly large number of tickets submitted reporting that access to LINK portal apps such as Data Exchange and Student Support Plans has been lost. We have found this this is happening because LEAs are using a combination of sending Staff Contact records and Staff Assignment records from the SIS and manually entering the roles in the Security Portal. The expectation is that if your SIS will provide this information to Data Exchange that staff contact and assignment data should not be entered via the Security portal. When the data is entered manually and also via the SIS, the manual entries will be overridden and removed by a sync of staff data from the SIS. To correct this situation, do not enter the staff data manually into the security portal. The fix is to sync the data from the SIS to restore access.

Item #4

Language Update Requests from non-English to English

When requesting language update from non-English to English via Student Information System the following message will be return back through the API. If submitting language update via bulk upload template the message will be displayed in the portal and available on the downloadable file. “Changing any language code to English requires approval through the completion of the Home Language Survey Amendment Form. The Home Language Survey Amendment Form can be found under "References" on the page below. Please be sure to review all instructions about how and when to complete the Home Language Survey Amendment.  https://idoe.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IKHTV/pages/381190385/Reporting+Guide+Multilingual+Learners 

Item #5

Tips for the New Year

  • Be advised that the school year 2024 Alternative Education program list has not yet been published. The process for applying and subsequent approval of the current year Alt Ed programs is still in progress and is handled by the Student Pathways department. We expect to have the official list by early November. Once we have received the list it will be including in Data Exchange Knowledge Hub guidance documentation in School Hub > Reporting Guides. For those that have been attempting to send data and getting errors, you may choose to live with the errors or suppress sending the data until early November.

  • If the AT-4 conflict message is triggering, check to ensure that the calendar for the school has been submitted to DEX.

  • Make sure the race field is populated for all students in the SIS and is published to Data Exchange. Template submitters will need to make certain they have uploaded a completed template 017 - Student Ed Org Association (demographics). Students without this information will not show up on the Pupil Enrollment count.

  • When Calendar Grid on the October certification tab has zero days, check that the Calendar Dates Event Duration and EventMinutes data are completed.

  • IDOE expects that all PK students enrolled and attending be submitted to DEX including student section associations and attendance data.

  • Please submit student program records at the beginning of the school year for such things as Multilingual Learner, High Ability, Military family, Homeless, Food Service, Special Education, Title I. You should not wait to add these records later in the school year.

  • Note that IDOE expects that student attendance data for public, charter, and non-public schools be submitted every two weeks at a minimum.

  • Calendar data must have been successfully submitted before any other data sets can be submitted to DEX.

  • Ed-ID templates not downloading? Check to make sure no blockers from the school or district is causing the issue.

Item #6

Data Exchange Office Hours

School Office Hours for Tuesday, October 3, 2023 begins at 10:30 am ET and ends 12:00 pm ET. This office hours session will be focused on Curricular Materials data. Melissa Ambre, Director of Finance and Teresa Hemmerle, Financial Analyst, have recorded a training video that has been posted to Data Exchange Knowledge Hub > School Support Hub > Reporting Guides>Curricular Materials Assistance>Tutorials. Please take the time to review this video before the scheduled September 19, 2023 Membership Q&A session. Melissa and Teresa will be present during the session to provide answers to your questions. Again, questions are to be submitted via the jot form. If a question comes to mind during the session, please submit the question via the jot form.

The link to join the Office Hours session and the link to the jot form can be found in Data Exchange Knowledge Hub > Communications Hub > Upcoming Events. You will need to use the links listed under School Office Hours.

NOTE: the Office Hours links used for the 2023 school year that were accessible via Moodle have been removed. If you had saved the link please delete the link and utilize the links provided in Knowledge Hub > Communications Hub > Upcoming Events.

Item #7

Pupil Enrollment Count Zero or Student Missing from PE Roster

It has been noted that if race data has not be submitted to DEX for a student the student will not be found and therefore not counted for Pupil Enrollment. Please review your Student Resource in the ODS. It is likely that the Student Educational Organization Association (demographic) data has not been submitted. This demographic data includes data points such as student address, ethnicity, language, proficiency level, instrument used. If using a Student Information System make certain this data is being synced. If using templates to submit data then template 017 will need to be uploaded.

Item #8

Summer School Course Outcomes Will Not Be Certified in October

Be advised that Summer School course outcomes may still be submitted to DEX but the data will not be certified until July 2024.

Item #9

Curricular Materials Costs Jotform Memos

The Curricular Materials Cost jotforms have been posted as a reference document to Knowledge Hub > School Support Hub > Reporting Guides > Curricular Materials Assistance. Please find a memo for public/charter schools and a memo for nonpublic schools.

Item #10

Resolution of Conflicts for Membership 2023

Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, the department will no longer be brokering the resolution of conflicts after the certification date.  If, after the certification date, schools are unable to resolve an outstanding conflict, schools may petition the State Board of Education for an adjustment in their ADM count by providing the Board with evidence supporting an adjustment in their membership claim. The process for petitioning the board will be made available this fall and communicated in Dr. Jenner’s Friday message. IDOE wants to make sure each school receives full funding for the students they are serving and complete the Membership count within two-three weeks of the count date.  This process will help achieve both of these goals. See the attached memo for a more complete explanation of this change.

Item #11

Application Center Reporting - Educator Evaluation Rating (ER) 2023

The ER2023 data reporting guidance layout for educator staff employed in the 2022-2023 school year is posted to the Data Exchange Moodle Community under resources and in the Data Exchange Knowledge Hub at School Support Hub > Reporting Guides > Staff Employment > References > ER (Educator Rating) Data Layout 2023. ER data will be submitted via the STN Application Center. The Application Center reporting window is now open and will close Friday, October 27, at 4 p.m. ET. Contact IDOE's Office of Educator Talent with any questions. Remember that this is a rating report for educator staff that were employed in the 2022-2023 school year. UPDATE: The signoff functionality is not available in the Application Center for ER Reporting. If the ER Missing CE report is empty and the Roster Download for ER contains all employees, you may consider the ER complete for the 2023 school year.

Item #12

Data Collection from Career and Technical Education (CTE) Centers  

For the 2023-2024 school year, CTE centers are expected to submit the same data to IDOE as was submitted in the 2022-2023 school year. CTE centers will do this via Data Exchange. This memo explains how the various types of CTE programs should be reporting data in concert with local high schools. As new expectations come online for course-based data including graduation plans, course enrollments, and course outcomes, it is even more critical that the entire student academic record comes directly to IDOE from the source data systems. IDOE and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (CHE) will continue to work together to improve the integration and streamlining of data collection from schools and CTE centers. Finally, IDOE has produced extensive documentation to support the accurate submission of required data elements. This documentation is available on the Knowledge Hub. Contact the IT helpdesk with any questions.

Upcoming Events

Other Business Owner Announcements

Item #1

Submit Your Graduates on Data Exchange 

The deadline to submit graduates on Data Exchange is quickly approaching. Please check your 2023 cohort on EdData to ensure that all students who graduated have a graduate status on the cohort report. Students who graduated and do not have a graduate status should be submitted now on Data Exchange. Graduates are submitted with a 2024 Enrollment Record and a Graduate Record. Students have until Saturday, September 30, 2023, to meet the graduation requirements to be a 2023 graduate. Contact IDOE's Office of Accountability with any questions. 

Item #2

REMINDER: 2023 Mandatory and Voluntary Graduation Rate Audits

The mandatory and voluntary graduation rate audits open on Wednesday, October 4, and close on Friday, October 27. If you are unsure if your school was selected for the mandatory graduation rate audit, please check the list of mandatory audit schools. All schools are welcome to participate in the voluntary graduation rate audit. If a change needs to be made to a student in the 2023 cohort, this will need to go through the voluntary graduation rate audit (unless you are trying to change their status to a graduate status – you can do that now in Data Exchange). The voluntary graduation rate audit involves submitting the student on the voluntary graduation rate audit excel template and submitting the supporting documentation. (Enrollment key: AccountabilityCommunity) The voluntary graduation rate audit is the final opportunity to request a change to the 2023 cohort.If you are submitting a voluntary graduation rate audit and are subject to the mandatory graduation rate audit, submit both audits in the same, single submission. Contact IDOE's Office of Accountability with any questions. 

Historical Announcements

Item #1


Known / Resolved Issues