01/19/2024 Weekly Announcement

01/19/2024 Weekly Announcement

Data Exchange Weekly Announcement for 01/19/2023


Item #1

Reporting ExternalEducationalOrganization (PostSecondary Institution)

When a course outcome is submitted for dual credit, it is required that the college or university awarding the credit must be identified. In past years these institutions were referred to as Post-Secondary Institutions and were identified with a 2-digit code. With the upgrade to EdFi 6.0 this past summer, these institutions are now considered an educational organization. Therefore, the field name has been changed to External Educational Organization which then requires a 10-digit EdOrg ID. There are several vendors that are reporting that their systems were not updated to accommodate this requirement. Vendors are in the process of making the correction. The External Educational Organization list has been posted in Data Exchange Knowledge Hub since last summer. Find the list posted to School Support Hub > Reporting Guides > Student Academic Records (Course Outcomes) > How to Report Student Academic Record (Course Outcomes) . How to Report External Educational Organization (formerly PostSecondary Institution).

Item #2

Data Exchange Office Hours

School Office Hours for Tuesday, January 23, 2024 begins at 10:30 am ET and ends 12:00 pm ET. This office hours session will be an open forum. Please use the jot form to provide questions for this office hours session.

The link to join the Office Hours session and the link to the jot form can be found in Data Exchange Knowledge Hub > Communications Hub > Upcoming Events. You will need to use the links listed under School Office Hours.

NOTE: the videos for McKinney Vento (Homeless), High Ability, and Alternative Education will be posted to Knowledge Hub > School Support Hub > Reporting Guides > Additional Student Information > Tutorials soon. Office hours session for McKinney Vento and High Ability will be Tuesday, February 13, 2024 and the session for Alternative Education will be Tuesday, February 20, 2024.


Item #3

Office Hours Request for 2023 Course Outcomes Video

As requested during DEX Office Hours, the 2023 Course Outcomes training video has been posted to Knowledge Hub > School Support Hub > Reporting Guides > Student Academic Record (Course Outcomes) > Tutorials

Item #4

ED-ID: SPN Gender/Race Change

How to manage correcting the race and/or gender field for an LVIS account holder in Ed-ID.

  • Be advised that the employees' account in LVIS does not contain race/gender data; however, these data points are required in Data Exchange (DEX).

  • An update request may not be submitted in Ed-ID to corrected gender/race fields.

  • DO NOT submit a create request for the staff member. If accidentally approved, this will create a duplicate SPN in the Ed-ID database.

  • DO submit a Data Reporting Help ticket ( https://help.doe.in.gov) requesting that the gender/race be update. Be sure to include the SPN in the ticket request.

Item #5

Known Issue: Special Ed Certification Counting Students Serving Expulsion and Services Terminated

Special Education students serving an expulsion (reported on enrollment record with code 33) and revoking or ending their program services (reported with a termination code) are showing certified inaccurately on the SE roster and summary.

IDOE will review all data after the December certification closes to determine students certified incorrectly. Schools will be notified of any students with a termination to their SE program record prior to 12/1 and having an exit reason of 33. There is no further action required from the schools. No termination code will correct the students to show as excluded from the counts.

Item #6


DEX 2.0 Training COMING SOON

Be watching for an announcement providing dates for DEX 2.0 training opportunities. This training is for anyone in the local school corporation that uses Data Exchange. DEX 2.0 retains the same basic functionality but has a completely new look for the user interface. DEX 2.0 launch is anticipated to be the end of February 2024. Be watching for an announcement providing training opportunities the week of February 19, 2024.

Item #7

Additional Enhancements Coming Soon to Indiana GPS 

IDOE is preparing to launch a new round of enhancements to Indiana GPS and also refresh the data to include 2023. These updates will include a map feature, allowing users to search for schools by zip code, address, or city, and to filter by performance indicator, as well as a “favorite” feature, allowing users to compare selected schools based on the performance indicators that matter most to them. As we have done previously, schools will have access to an embargoed pre-release in advance of the public launch. Superintendents and principals will receive a direct email next Friday, January 19, with additional instructions to access the embargoed pre-release. Contact indianagps@doe.in.gov with any questions.

Upcoming Events

Other Business Owner Announcements

Item #1

REMINDER: 2024 Eclipse Guidance

As was shared in a memo on October 13, 2023, schools across Indiana will experience the eclipse differently, depending on their geographic location, with portions of central and southern Indiana in the path of totality. Any determinations regarding instruction on the day of the eclipse will be a local decision, and local planning should be occurring now. Some schools will be in-person and holding special events this day, others will have virtual learning, and others have already extended spring break so they are not in session on this day. As a reminder, per Indiana Code (IC) 20 -24.2-4-2, schools are required to meet a minimum instructional time threshold, and waivers will not be granted due to the eclipse.  

Historical Announcements

Item #1


Known / Resolved Issues