03/08/2024 Weekly Announcement

Data Exchange Weekly Announcement for 03/08/2023


Item #1

Data Exchange Office Hours

School Office Hours for Tuesday, March 12, 2024 begins at 10:30 am ET and ends 12:00 pm ET. This office hours session will be devoted to Special Education Evaulation/Special Education Termination/Homebound-Hospitalization data reporting.

The link to join the Office Hours session and the link to the jot form can be found in Data Exchange Knowledge Hub > Communications Hub > Upcoming Events. You will need to use the links listed under School Office Hours.

NOTE: Find the EV/TR/HB 2024 video and slide deck posted to Knowledge Hub > School Support Hub > Reporting Guides. for Special Education Evaulation, Special Education Termination, and Homebound Hospitalized.

Item #2

Upcoming Changes for Summer School Reporting

Addition of three method credit types for all courses students are engaged with a Summer School method designation

  1. Summer Participation 49% or less

  2. Summer Participation 50% to 89%

  3. Summer Participation 90% or more

Reasons for the addition of the Summer Participation methods:

  • Alignment between reported students on the summer school finance side and reported outcomes on the course side.

  • Determining number of students involved in any type of summer school.

  • Determining students who participated in summer school non-credit bearing instruction with a literacy focus--what were their participation rates vs. assessment outcomes in the next assessment window.

Item #3

LINK Portal Help Access

The link to the Helpdesk Ticket has been moved to to top right of the portal page in the dark blue bar.


Item #3

Ed-ID Enhancement to Student Search

An Ed-ID Enhancement deployment will be performed the evening of Friday, 3/8/2024. This enhancement to the Ed-ID Student Search function will present the View Additional Info button on the Search Results page for possible matches to the search. Selecting this button will provide historical enrollment data for the student to assist schools with managing their student data. You will be presented with a record for each year the student has been enrolled in an Indiana School. The record currently includes School Year, Local Education Agency, School, Grade, Entry Date, Exit Date, Exit Type, Primary School. Additionally Corporation of Legal Settlement and School of Accountabiity will be added in the future.




Item #4

Known Issue: Special Ed Certification Counting Students Serving Expulsion and Services Terminated

Special Education students serving an expulsion (reported on enrollment record with code 33) and revoking or ending their program services (reported with a termination code) are showing certified inaccurately on the SE roster and summary.

IDOE will review all data after the December certification closes to determine students certified incorrectly. Schools will be notified of any students with a termination to their SE program record prior to 12/1 and having an exit reason of 33. There is no further action required from the schools. No termination code will correct the students to show as excluded from the counts.

Upcoming Events

Other Business Owner Announcements

Item #1

NEW: Indiana Summer EBT Informational Sessions for Schools

IDOE is hosting three informational sessions regarding the new Summer EBT program in Indiana. The sessions listed below are intended for school personnel. Each session will provide the same information with time for questions.

Item #1

From Accountability: NEW: 2025 Cohort

The SAT roster is created from the 2025 cohort. Review your 2025 cohort now, paying close attention to any student with a ‘Retained’ or ‘Unknown’ cohort status. Also identify any student who is in grade 11, but not on the 2025 cohort. Contact School Accountability immediately if you notice any issues or have any questions.

Historical Announcements

Item #1

DEX Discipline Validation Rules Deployed

The Data Exchange discipline rules have been deployed to production. These rules have not yet been added to the DEX Validation Rules in EDData. You can view the validations in Knowledge Hub > Communications Hub > In Development (https://idoe.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IKHTV/pages/401277115/In+Development). Scroll down to “Development Items for 2023-2024.

Known / Resolved Issues