04/12/2024 Weekly Announcement

Data Exchange Weekly Announcement for 04/12/2023


Item #1

Special Education Certification Information

Administrator Signoff Order Established

There have been intermittent issues with the ability to certify/signoff for April certification. After discussion with the HelloSign vendor, the decision was made to move to a signoff order. Beginning today, Friday, April 12, 2024, it is required that the LEA Administrator signoff followed by the Financial Administrator.

Certification Closes today

April Certification/Signoff will close today, Friday, April 12, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET.

Data Correction Requests suggestions:

  • Don’t check the box indicating the data has landed in the ODS if the data has not landed. To view the ODS, navigate in DEX to the Review page. If data has been changed for a specific student, use the filter to enter the STN verify that the corrected data is found. If the data has not updated to the ODS then a validation will not help. Check with your vendor support if necessary to find out why the changes are not landing.

  • Please provide more than a general reason for the request.

    • rather than stating still working on corrections or found a few errors, it is preferred to run a validation after all corrections have landed in the ODS

    • it is helpful to IDOE administrators to have an idea specifically what is being corrected even if the reason indicates needed to resolve conflicts or remove a number of students from the count, etc

  • SE dates have been adjusted to resolve conflict for STN xxxxxx.

  • Data has been corrected to remove two students from the valid record count.

  • There have also been requests that did not provide a reason - these requests have been denied asking for the reason for the request.



Item #2

Reporting Good Cause Exemptions to IDOE

Beginning 4/5/2024, the Indiana Department of Education will be accepting submissions for Good Cause Exemptions (GCE’s) for IREAD exclusively through the Data Exchange.  The current process using the JotForm is 4/4/24.  Good Cause Exemptions will be reported exclusively through the Data Exchange (See How to Report student Good Cause Exemptions). A short excerpt from this guidance page is provided below. 


Exemption based on IEP Case Conference Committee decision


Exemption based on ILP Committee decision


Exemption based on retained twice prior to fourth grade

Note: GCEs can only be applied for an eligible student who has participated in at least one IREAD-3 administration and after a review of valid test results. An undetermined score that does not provide a scale score is not considered valid. Grade two students who do not receive a passing score must retest in grade three, and are not eligible to receive a GCE after their first administration.

As Good Cause Exemptions are reported to the IDOE, we will regularly update the IREAD-3 and ILEARN Report - Current Enrollment report on Ed-Data so schools can see the status of their current students with regard to their exemption status. Questions on reporting GCE’s through Data Exchange can be directed to http://help.doe.in.gov


Item #3

Data Exchange Office Hours

School Office Hours for Tuesday, April 16, 2024 begins at 10:30 am ET and ends 12:00 pm ET. This office hours session will be focused on Discipline Reporting.

The link to join the Office Hours session and the link to the jot form can be found in Data Exchange Knowledge Hub > Communications Hub > Upcoming Events. You will need to use the links listed under School Office Hours.

Find the Student Safety Reporting video and slide deck and the Data Exchange Discipline Reporting slide deck posted to Knowledge Hub > School Support Hub > Reporting Guides > Discipline > Tutorial.


  • There will be no Office Hours session Tueday, April 23, 2024.


Item #4

DEX 2.0 Certification/Signoff Procedures

Find these DEX 2.0 signoff steps posted to Knowledge Hub > School Support Hub > General Resources .

  1. Navigate to Certify page

  2. Click review and certify button

  3. Review each dataset listed on the menu on the left side of the page, check
    each dataset box indicating ‘I have reviewed and Approve for Signoff

  4. Select the Sign off tab

  5. Select Sign Off button

  6. Select Confirm that documents are being prepared and to Open Hello Sign

  7. Click OK

  8. Get started at top right

  9. Click to Sign

  10. Insert - Sign then continue

  11. I agree


Item #5

Known Issue: Summer School Outcomes Not Loading

Students reported with Summer School Outcomes are not loading for validation and certification at this time. Development has found the cause will be addressing in time for July certification.

Upcoming Events

Other Business Owner Announcements

Item #1


Historical Announcements

Item #1

Staff Injury Reporting Guidance Posted

Guidance documentation for reporting Staff Injury data has been posted to Knowledge Hub > School Support Hub > Reporting Guides > Staff Employment and Staff Injury.

NOTE: Template has not yet been posted. Watch for future announcement.

Item #2

Subscribe to Data Exchange Weekly Announcement

The ability to subscribe to this weekly announcement is now available. Navigate to Knowledge Hub > Communications Hub > Updates for Schools. Click on the yellow button to manage subscriptions.


Item #3

Upcoming Changes for Summer School Reporting

Addition of three method credit types for all courses students are engaged with a Summer School method designation

  1. Summer Participation 49% or less

  2. Summer Participation 50% to 89%

  3. Summer Participation 90% or more

Reasons for the addition of the Summer Participation methods:

  • Alignment between reported students on the summer school finance side and reported outcomes on the course side.

  • Determining number of students involved in any type of summer school.

  • Determining students who participated in summer school non-credit bearing instruction with a literacy focus--what were their participation rates vs. assessment outcomes in the next assessment window.

Known / Resolved Issues