FAQ: Attendance

FAQ: Attendance

Students who are only being reported for services only will have an enrollment record with primary school identified as ‘false’ and a Special Education program record and possibly a Title I record - no other data needs to be provided. No attendance data is reported.

If this situation occurs (a family notifies a school the student(s) is/are leaving without formal paperwork, a school should mobilize the students, and end the students' enrollment. A students' absences should also not be reported.

IDOE recommends following up to ensure the student has enrolled with records requests or contact with the family. If the student is found to not be enrolled and you are unable to contact the family, follow the Missing Location Unknown Process. Once you receive the verification email from the Clearinghouse, go back to the last day the student attended and use mobility code 26.

Please reach out to cdanyluk@doe.in.gov for more information.

Each school reports attendance data for the student. Attendance is considered a full day on the days the student is scheduled and expected. If the student is scheduled for afternoons only 3 days/week and full day 2 days/week then the student would be counted as in attendance for all 5 days. One school is identified as primary ‘true’ and one school is identified as primary ‘false’. Attendance provided from each school does not affect the other school.

Attendance data is not reported if the students are only receiving special education or title services.

The calendar date should be reported with the accurate calendar event descriptor; Virtual Planned - Asynchronous or Virtual Planned - Synchronous. Students participating in virtual instruction should be reported with attendance event descriptor virtual. Students not participating in instruction should be reported with an absence per local policy.

Students no longer receiving instruction will have an end date on their school enrollment record using exit code 33- Serving Expulsion. This exit code does not inactivate the student. The student's attendance event code should be reported as expelled until the student returns, drops out, or enrolls in another educational setting.

No, The vocational school should be reporting the attendance data for these students.

If a teacher was meeting in person with the student, it is considered to be “in person attendance”. On days where a teacher was not meeting with the student and they were working independently or via video conference, it is considered “virtual attendance.”

Daily attendance is to be reported based on local policy (if the student is engaged the expected amount of time). Attendance is not reported to IDOE by subject. Attendance is provided as either .5 (half) or 1 (whole) day.

Attendance provided from a study class section for the day may be provided without each subject code attendance.

Please create a Support Ticket asking for historical attendance summary data.

Students are considered ‘In Attendance’ when attending a school or class sponsored field trip. Field trips may be identified locally on the ‘reason’ or ‘comment’ area of the students attendance to track where they are for the day while not in the building.