FAQ: Student Programs
Former user (Deleted)
Michelle Tubbs
Programs are considered year to year and should have exit dates when students leave the school, are no longer in the program or end of the year (exception is Multilingual Learners and Special Education) program records will be required each year to identify the student is still participating in the program and if no exit date is provided IDOE considers the program closed with the reporting year's ODS.
If the school does not have any data to provide for certain datasets then no data will show for certification which is acceptable.
Enrolling schools will provide their own program association record with a start date and program name the student is starting and participating with them. Schools wanting to know what programs a student was participating while enrolled in the previous school will need to request or inquire this information from the previous enrollment school.
Yes, in order to be counted for High Ability, the student must be identified as high ability AND be enrolled in High Ability course work.
Districts decide when to identify students. Report students that have been identified AND have been enrolled in High Ability course work. Students identified as the end of the school year will not be reported until the following year.