FAQ: Calendars

FAQ: Calendars

The calendar date should be reported with the accurate calendar event descriptor; Virtual Planned - Asynchronous or Virtual Planned - Synchronous. Students participating in virtual instruction should be reported with attendance event descriptor virtual. Students not participating in instruction should be reported with an absence per local policy.

Students cannot have enrollment exit dates after the last day of the school calendar. This will cause AT-1 error message.

Each school reports attendance data for the student. Attendance is considered a full day on the days the student is scheduled and expected. If the student is scheduled for afternoons only 3 days/week and full day 2 days/week then the student would be counted as in attendance for all 5 days. One school is identified as primary ‘true’ and one school is identified as primary ‘false’. Attendance provided from each school does not affect the other school.

Planned 'E-Learning' days where a teacher is engaged less than 50% of the day would be Virtual Planned - Asynchronous and the attendance for students will be Virtual (penalty in statute regarding the synchronous vs asynchronous is for public schools only).

Each Ed Org ID is only allowed to report one calendar. Schools should report a calendar that reflects what the majority of the students are doing. This will allow enrollment dates and attendance to be provided even if the student is actually attending outside of the typical school day.