FAQ: Student Academic Record

FAQ: Student Academic Record

Transfer Course/Credit Concerns

If there is a partnership between the school and another entity, students must be assigned to each course title/section and course outcome reported. Schools will need to report the student section (schedules) accurately with a TOR (staff section) associated.

  • Course outcome data will be provided with method credit earned type* of “Credit Recovery” if earned within a credit recovery classroom.

  • Course outcome data will be provided with method credit earned type* of “Online/Virtual credit” if earned in a virtual setting not in a classroom. This would include, for example, Indiana Online Academy.

Schools should not be providing course outcomes/credits earned that have been issued from another Indiana school. IDOE expects this data to be provided by the issuing school.

GPS is not using transfer credits (currently) and is only using credits earned/reported by the school. When HS on track is implemented then IDOE will look at a student's entire credit history.

All transfer credits will be provided with the current reporting school year and reported with the school ID that is reporting the data. IDOE will recognize the credits earned are not from the school reporting when it is from out of state or homeschool. Term desciptor must exist so we pick up the record.

This is a local decision of how long a student is in the course to qualify as earning a final grade and credit (when a high school course) otherwise report No Grade Awarded.

If the student is not utilizing the credits for high school graduation requirements, the courses do not need to be reported to IDOE.

If the credits are being utilized to fulfill a students’ graduation requirements and there is not an agreement between the home school and college (i.e. guardians are registering/paying for course) the outcome will be reported as a transfer credit.

Schools with students attending a career center and taking CTE courses outside of their LEA are not required to provide the student section or course outcomes for those classes. The CTE is responsible for reporting student section and course outcomes to the state. Schools may accept these grades/credits locally (as transfer grades/credits) to monitor the progress of the student’s graduation requirements.

Students self-enrolling and providing those outcomes back to the school may be accepted as transfer grades/credit per local decision. IF the CTE did not provide this data the school would report the outcome(s) as a transfer credit.

Schools may report corrections to credits/grades earned in a prior school year by providing the corrected record as a transfer grade/credit. Prior year data cannot be changed once the school year is considered done and complete.

Grades/Credits awarded by demonstration of proficiency may be provided as a transfer credit.

Students are expected to be associated to a TOR (teacher of record) that is either licensed in the subject area or an administrator/counselor if there is no staff licensed in the area.

Students should be enrolled in each course code/title in which they are earning or attempting to earn credits. A period outside of the normal school day could be utilized for each individual course title. (i.e. for a standard seven period day, period eight could be utilized) for attendance purposes. OR, students can be scheduled in a study hall/credit recovery period within the normal school day.

The school issuing the diploma should provide the academic record to Data Exchange. This could be the sending school or the educating school per the agreements between the two schools.

Schools need to report the credits earned whether the student decides to take the credit or not - meaning; if they are going to take the course again then the school will report the credit earned again and IDOE is managing this on the back end because we will only be allowing the maximum number of credits allowed - schools need to make sure the data is accurate.

Typically, a class will earn a single credit for each semester. Minimum/Maximum credits earned can be found on the High School Course Titles and Descriptions documentation located on the IDOE>Student Learning and Pathways>Indiana Academic Standards>Course Titles and Descriptions website.

per Accountability - for out of state or homeschool students transferring into your school please provide all school years' HS level transcripted courses provided

Course Transcripts

Submitting a template is to provide the data you are not able to send from the SIS. First, if data is available and coming in from the SIS, that may cause issue with data provided from a template. If data is provided on the template that is not coming from the SIS, that should not interfere

Where the student is taking the course should be reporting the course transcript data.

Yes, Where the student is being educated should be providing the course data and course transcript data.

Please reach out to studentpathways@doe.in.gov for assistance.


Course Outcomes

Course Completion (CC) is an archaic term in Data Exchange. The term is now Student Academic Record (Course Outcomes).

What should be reported is based upon the setting of the class.

For 2024, the credit recovery credit type has been removed. Schools will identify the method a student is attempting to earn or has earned credits by providing Credit Recovery under Method Credit Earned Type.

IDOE does not require GPA or Numeric Grades on elementary and middle school courses. IDOE does require GPA or Numeric Grades on a 4.0 scales to be provided for high school courses.

Schools may report credits/grades earned each school year accurately and IDOE will only acknowledge the maximum number of credits allowed for each course - schools will continue the practice of replacing grades/credits earned within their SIS.

Fail - student did not pass the course

Incomplete - student did not or has not completed the course by June 30th and may still be working to complete in the following school year

No grade awarded - student does not have a grade awarded (local decision to use when student drops a class or exits from the school prior to completing the class)

Pass - student did pass the course

An outcome of "pass" or "fail", plus "no grade awarded", and (if needed) "incomplete" should be provided.

No, there is no reporting of ".5" of credit earned. Credits earned are provided in whole numbers only.

IDOE encourages schools to work with vendors to find a solution in providing an outcome of pass or fail for all courses. Schools may report "no grade awarded" if a solution is not available when grading is on standards.

Schools have the relationship already identified with the enrollment record provided from the start of the school year so any remaining data needed to be provided will be allowed. Report GR data once the student has completed their graduation requirements. Summer school outcomes will be provided for either July certification (if completed and ready for reporting prior to June 30th) or October certification (if completed after July 1st or data is not ready for reporting until after July 1st).

This is a local decision of how long a student is enrolled in the course to report an outcome earning a final grade and/or credit (if a high school course). No Grade Awarded would be the appropriate outcome if the student exits the course or school prior to completing enough coursework earning a final grade and/or credit (if a high school course).

If a student attempts a dual credit class and fails the course, no credits are awarded whether Regular or Dual Credit. Reporting Dual Credit would indicate that the student attempted to earn dual credit in the course but failed and did not earn any credits.

Report the appropriate Summer School participation Method Credit Earned. No additional student or staff section data is required. Course code must align to an identified Indiana course code. How to Report Student Academic Record (Course Outcomes)

Graduation / Graduation Pathways

Students only need to complete one of the levels.

For purposes of reporting this final outcome data to the state through Data Exchange only an outcome of ‘pass’ is required. No numeric grade value or credits earned is required. Data Exchange will not recognize letter grade values.

If the student is no longer enrolled and attending the exit date on the enrollment record must match the diploma award date. While the student may return and walk at the end of the school year with the rest of the class IDOE School Accountability requires the exit date and diploma award date match if the student does not remain enrolled to the end of the school year.

Please email: schoolaccountability@doe.in.gov or create a support team ticket.

Reporting Timelines

IDOE has agreed to a 10 day grace period as long as the enrollment is not over a count/census date. IDOE will not trigger error messages for students enrolled and do not have student section (schedule) records provided yet when making corrections to student schedules for balancing of classrooms, new enrollment, etc. Otherwise schools will receive an error message stating the student does not have a schedule provided.

Students are expected to have their student section (schedule) data provided by 10 days of their enrollment. This includes students enrolled less than 10 days. All students are expected to have a schedule reported no matter the amount of time they are enrolled. Schools simply have 10 days to provide those schedules before error messages will be provided.

Schools are not required to report those ‘dropped classes’ when balancing a classroom, finding the right fit in the student’s scheduled, etc. IDOE is recommending this timeline to not be more than 10 days. If more than 10 days then ‘no grade awarded’ should be provided as the student was enrolled and attending the class.

Student Course Scheduling

Each course needs to have a separate course code aligned to IDOE course titles and descriptions. IDOE is reviewing course codes to determine the need for additional codes.

Courses not aligned to an Indiana identified course with academic standards are not to be reported to Data Exchange. Example: yearbook at elementary or middle school is not an identified state course code with academic standards associated so this would not be reported to Data Exchange.

If combining courses/standards, students must be scheduled in each individual course. Schools may schedule more than one course at the same time with the same teacher.

Students should be enrolled in the course code/title in which they are earning credits. A period outside of the normal school day could be utilized for each individual course title. (i.e. for a standard seven period day, period eight could be utilized). Physical education credits must be granted by a licensed physical education teacher therefore the physical education teacher should be attached to the course.

Yes, both course codes are to be reported on the students. Students must be scheduled in each individual course when schools are combining courses/standards.

Elementary and Middle School courses are identified as year long courses. Information can be found on the Elementary and Middle Level School Course Titles and Descriptions documentation located on the IDOE>Student Learning and Pathways>Indiana Academic Standards>Course Titles and Descriptions website.

Grade marks cannot be provided with an alpha character - schools will need to work with their vendor if they wish to set a grade mark with an alpha character to map to the accurate outcome reporting of 'no grade awarded' or 'incomplete'.

IDOE expects all grade levels for Summer School to be reported.

Schools should report those students with the appropriate HS course code and outcomes for those courses the same as they would report a high school student.

Career Centers and Co-Ops

Career Center(s) with or without an SIS, are responsible for sending their school calendar, student enrollment data, school master schedule, staff and student schedule, student attendance, and student transcript data.

Co-Op(s) with or without an SIS, are responsible for sending their school calendar, student enrollment data, school master schedule, staff and student schedule, student attendance, and student transcript data. (or per agreement with public school entity)

Career centers are responsible for providing the student enrollment and attendance data. The LEA that holds the contract for the teacher (staff) will provide the staff employment record. The career center will provide the staff assignment and staff section data. In addition the career center should report those students with their student section (schedule) and outcomes. IDOE understands the 'homeschool' will want this information to determine when the student has completed all their requirements for graduation but the 'homeschool' does not report this data since the career center is to be providing the information.