FAQ: Membership

FAQ: Membership

Yes, please see this guide here.

General education students expelled and no longer receiving educational services are not counted for membership.

Special education students expelled are still counted for membership.

General education students expelled AND still receiving educational services (placed 'homebound/virtual' in lieu of the expulsion) who are engaged in their education may be counted for membership and will remain enrolled and active at the school. All student data will continue to be provided.

You do not change the Primary School to False when a student leaves. They are Primary School=True for the dates on the record; you do not change that field.

This students' ADM type would be “1”, and they would be still be reported for McKinney-Vento/Homeless.

A membership conflict means that two schools are both claiming a student as "Primary True". Two schools cannot claim a student’s enrollment as primary ‘true’ on the same date or overlapping dates.

Yes, expelled students are included in Pupil Enrollment counts.

"Count Day" or Census Day is used to designate and appropriate state-wide school funding through student membership. Simply put, it’s a specific day where a count of students enrolled and expected to be in attendance is taken. The actual date of count or census day is set by Indiana statute.

You should be marking student’s attendance as virtual since IDOE collects daily attendance.

You should be marking student’s attendance as virtual since IDOE collects daily attendance.

As a public school, you will report the student school association (enrollment) record as primary ‘false’, and the student education organization responsibility record with the primary responsibility of "funding", and ADM code is 2-transfer out. The outside learning center will report enrollment with the primary school as ‘true’ and submit the student education organization responsibility record with the primary responsibility of "attendance", and no ADM code. The outside learning center will report all other required student data. The public school will report membership and special education program association, to receive funding for the student.

If you know the student is not returning, even without official paperwork, you should exit the student from your SIS. You can still pursue the paperwork and/or truancy.

If they only attend in AM or PM, report this by using the appropriate grade level of am or pm KG

IDOE does not require parents to complete withdrawal paperwork to process an exit record on the student. If another Indiana school has enrolled the student you should exit them so there is no conflict in data. If paperwork is required for the IDOE accountability department’s audit purposes please reach out to schoolaccountability@doe.in.gov for assistance.

Access school is the SE program record's school Id and is the school that should have access to the IIEP. Accountable is the school that is accountable for the student's education. Servicing school is the school providing the special education services to the student (typically the same as the access school).

With foster care, If parent rights are not terminated then COLS remains with the parents. COLS follows the parents, not the students.

Student Educational Organization Responsibility Association records are not required to be updated when a student transfers from one school ID to another ID within the corporation unless there are changes to the ADM code, COLS, or accountability school. If one of these data changes then the first SEORA record will need to be ended and a new record began with the change in data.

Please reach out to schoolfinance@doe.in.gov

If the facility does not report data (one possible facility is Midwest Academy), the home school will be notified by the facility that the student is enrolled or placed with them. The home school will report the student as if sitting in the classroom. The SSA record will have TRUE primary school and the SEORA record will provide ADM 1. The facility should provide all data back to the school for reporting to IDOE.

You may change to ADM 3 when the school becomes aware.

This student is not to be reported for membership. Students with legal residency out of state are not included for membership.

Public schools do not report SEORA (membership) records for students at the Indiana School for the Visually Impaired or Indiana school for the Deaf.