FAQ: Graduate

FAQ: Graduate

This is a Local Decision: 

You may update the student’s grade level to report as 12th grade (skipping 11th grade) in reporting of Student School Association (enrollment). IDOE understands the need for schools to make this change in their databases so the student receives important notifications for seniors, ease of scheduling, etc. HOWEVER, it is important to understand these students may qualify for the Mitch Daniels Early Graduate Scholarship. IF the school decides to report the student as 12th grade DO NOT show any 11th grade enrollment data as this appears the student attended more than 3 years of high school, which would disqualify them for this scholarship. You would also need to report these students on the Graduate Report during the year that they graduate (not the year their original cohort graduates). While reported this way, their data will actually be applied towards their original cohort for accountability purposes.

No, the school issuing the diploma should be providing the academic record to Data Exchange.

They would be marked as Excluded until the Graduate data is provided.

IDOE expects students that complete graduation requirements prior to the end of the school year to be exited with code 34 on the last day of their attendance. The Diploma Award Date should match the exit date. Schools will need to work with their SIS vendor to determine a solution of keeping those students 'active' for communication to the end of the school year. Also, be aware that your school may need to keep data on those students to document things such as honor roll, sports awards, etc.

  1. Each student will need a one day Student School Association (enrollment) mobility record provided prior to the start of the school year with exit code will be 34-Graduate. This creates the relationship between the school and student allowing GR data to be provided.

  2. Each student will need to have a 'studentAcademicRecord' (graduate) record reported. This record must be associated with any term in the current reporting school year and the DiplomaAward date must match the one day mobility record.

Graduation date (diploma award date) can be the date the student is awarded the diploma or the date of the graduation ceremony. It does not have to be a school calendar date.

Graduation Pathway data is required for all students in the 2023 cohort and beyond. Employability and Postsecondary Competencies are required to be provided along with the diploma type/level data.

Schools are to NOT provide academic records (graduate information) for students continuing their coursework to obtain a different diploma. The student academic record (graduate information) will be provided after the student is completely finished with their education.

Schools should report the GR (academic record) in their cohort year. Students may still be enrolled and may continue their education until they either age out or decide to quit. The SE Termination data is provided when the student ends their special education services NOT when the certificate is reported during the cohort year.

No, there are no end dates on graduation pathways.

Schools have the relationship already identified with the enrollment record provided from the start of the school year so any remaining data needed to be provided will be allowed. Report GR data once the student has completed their graduation requirements. Summer school outcomes will be provided for either July certification (if completed and ready for reporting prior to June 30th) or October certification (if completed after July 1st or data is not ready for reporting until after July 1st).

If the student is terminated from services prior to meeting their grad requirements (prior to July 1) then schools should select the appropriate termination reason; if the services continue after July 1 while the student is working to meeting the graduation requirements then graduate termination reason will be reported and certified in the following school year. Special Education termination will not end until the following school year when the Graduate record is also provided.

Schools should be reporting all termination reasons for any student they were servicing and are no longer servicing including 'no shows'. To submit the data a one day school association prior to the calendar should have been provided to show the mobility; if not then this will need to be done, then a SE program record needs to be provided with the end date and termination reason.

SE students receiving certificates are able to return until they age out (22); report the Certificate of Completion, but do not report a Termination Record until services are terminated - as long as enrolled, attending, being educated, and receiving services students can be counted for all reports (Membership/Special Education included).

Diploma Award Dates (graduation date) provided after July 1st cannot have June graduation dates from the prior school year. School years run 7/1 to 6/30. Data provided for July certification must be dated no later than 6/30. Students getting across the line prior to the first day of the next school year must have a diploma award date between 7/1 and 9/30 to count for October certification.

Please contact schoolaccountability@doe.in.gov for assistance when historical enrollment records are not updating the cohort status on a student.