FAQ: Multilingual Learners

FAQ: Multilingual Learners

Schools need to make the best determination to report the most accurate year of US entry into schools; if the student has been enrolled in the US the entire last school year schools could report the start date of their last school year or if transcripts show two years report a date from start of school year two years prior, etc.

PK students with a language code other than English are not associated to a ML program. They are reported with Prof. Level 0 and Instrument Used is code value 7=N/A.

Make sure to contact the parent each year to make sure they are still opting out; does not require signed paperwork. Students would be associated to EL-Parent Refusal program.

Yes! When HLS shows any language other than English schools are to provide the non-English language to IDOE.

Please use this guidance.

Student scores proficient once and that score should be provided - each year after the proficient score, report FNA.

No specific reporting is needed in Data Exchange for students are being monitored.

Proficiency level is on the "Student" resource.

Multilingual Learner programs are not to be ended when a student has a change in the proficiency level. The only time a program should be ended is when the student is changing program services or the student is graduated.

Pick one for reporting - MLL coordinators should understand which program should be provided and if they are unsure they should be reaching out to Adam Pitt or other IDOE EL staff and/or EL documentation from Adam and his team.

ALL students who have a language other than English, regardless if they are receiving services or have tested proficient, must always be reported on the ML submission. Students who have tested proficient, and that score has previously been reported, will report as follows every year until they graduate: Proficiency Level = FNA Instrument Used = N/A Program Record = Regular Education-Non EL

You would report the score and instrument used, the program name would be "Regular Education-Non-EL", and the program begin date would be date student starts in program (likely their first day of school).

Students must be 3 years of age by count/census date to be included in certification for immigrant purposes only. Students not in grade KG and reported for immigrant purposes only will have prof. level of 0 (Immigrant Student who is PK) provided and instrument used reported as code 7 (N/A).

Definition per KH pages: Immigrant Student with only English Reported on Indiana Home Language Survey. Report Prof. Level NES - program is not required - instrument used is not required - Birth Country is required and must be outside of the USA or USA territories

Puerto Rico is considered a US territory and USA would be provided as the birth country. Students from Puerto Rico are US citizens and would not be considered an immigrant.

Schools no longer need to calculate number of years for immigrant status. Years of immigrant status is being calculated from data schools provide (birth country outside of the US and the date of entry into US schools).

ALL Students with a language other than English are to be reported with the accurate program identified. If the student is proficient then provide FNA with code 7. If they scored 5.0 or higher from their last year assessment provide that score with the correct instrument used code. Next year report FNA with code 7.

If a change is needed from a non-English language to English, then contact englishlearners@doe.in.gov for assistance. Changes in a language code from one non-English to another non-English or English to a non-English can be managed in the Ed-ID portal.

Children (students) born to U.S. citizens abroad (e.g., children born on a military base overseas) are considered immigrants for the purposes of EL reporting.  Section 3201(5) ESEA.