FAQ: Homeless
Former user (Deleted)
Programs are considered year to year and should have exit dates when students leave the school, are no longer in the program or end of the year (exception is Multilingual Learners and Special Education) program records will be required each year to identify the student is still participating in the program and if no exit date is provided IDOE considers the program closed with the reporting year's ODS.
If the student's status changes to homeless after the membership count day then ADM is not changed. If the student's status changes to homeless prior to or on count day the ADM would be changed to code 1 - resident enrollment.
Any student who is identified as McKinney-Vento has the right to receive transportation. The two corporations can work together to split the cost of transportation. The McKinney-Vento Act first gives LEAs and states the flexibility to agree upon a method to apportion transportation cost and responsibility. The Act further states that in the absence of agreement, the two districts must apportion cost and responsibility equally [42 U.S.C. §11432(g)(1)(J)(iii)].
If this is the family's choice then no, this is not a homeless scenario.
To determine this, conversation is needed with your McKinney-Vento district liaison.