FAQ: Roles for Data Exchange
Former user (Deleted)
Michelle Tubbs
Not exactly. Data Certification is a decorator role that is added to the LEA Admin, Finance Admin or School Admin (for non-pubs) that are responsible for certification of data in DEX. IF those staff are not responsible for certifying the data then they do not need the Data Certification (decorator) role in addition to their staff classification.
Yes! Key Contacts and Staff Classifications both need to be kept up to date and should be regularly reviewed on a yearly basis. Corporation contacts can be provided directly from your SIS via a staff assignment or by your local security coordinator via a staff assignment. Staff classification of Data Exchange Contact needs to be provided each year so those staff are added to the contact list found on the Overview tab in DEX. Review instruction for Staff Assignment on the Knowledge Hub Staff web page.
Using the Submission tab Operational Data Store Resource (ODS), export the 'staffEducationOrganizationContactAssociation' to see the list of employees that have Contact 'Unified Access' which provides access to the LINK portal.
To provide access to IDOE applications such as Data Exchange, LINK staff types must be submitted such as LEA Administrator, School Administrator, Data Administrator, etc. You can get the list of these LINK staff types by exporting from the Operational Data Store (ODS) resource the 'staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation'. This export provides the list of Staff Classifications identifying the position the employee holds with the corporation. For more detailed information, review the Security Access Setting Staff Types Roles document here.
The error indicates that the student support plan classification is tagged in two different school IDs (entities). The Local Security Coordinator will need to review roles associated to the staff. The same email address is associated with both so one of the Student Support plan assignment will need to be removed.
The following roles will have access:
Data Viewer
Data Administrator
LEA Administrator
School Administrator
Security Coordinator