FAQ: Student Enrollment
Former user (Deleted)
Emma Kershner
Michelle Tubbs
If a student is enrolled at a school, but the school determines that better accommodations can be met at another school district, the sending schools keeps the SSA (Student School Association) as the Primary "False", and will report the primary responsibility as ‘Funding’ on the student Ed Org Responsibility Association with ADM Code 2. The receiving school will have the SSA as Primary "True" and will report the primary responsibility as ‘Attendance’ on the student Ed Org Responsibility Association with no ADM code. More guidance can be found on Membership Guidance pages.
If this situation occurs (a family notifies a school the student(s) is/are leaving without formal paperwork, a school should mobilize the students, and end the students' enrollment. A students' absences should also not be reported.
IDOE recommends following up to ensure the student has enrolled with records requests or contact with the family. If the student is found to not be enrolled and you are unable to contact the family, follow the Missing Location Unknown Process. Once you receive the verification email from the Clearinghouse, go back to the last day the student attended and use mobility code 26.
Please reach out to cdanyluk@doe.in.gov for more information.
Students cannot have enrollment dates after the last day of the school calendar. This will cause an error message (AT-1).
As a public school, you will report the student school association (enrollment) record as primary ‘false’, and the student education organization responsibility record with the primary responsibility of "funding", and ADM code is 2-transfer out. The outside learning center will report enrollment with the primary school as ‘true’ and submit the student education organization responsibility record with the primary responsibility of "attendance", and no ADM code. The outside learning center will report all other required student data. The public school will report membership and special education program association, to receive funding for the student.
IDOE does not require parents to complete withdrawal paperwork to process an exit record on the student. If another Indiana school has enrolled the student you should exit them so there is no conflict. If paperwork is required for accountability department audit purposes please reach out to schoolaccountability@doe.in.gov for assistance.
A Student School Association (enrollment) record with the primary school identified as 'false' which will allow the school managing the Indiana IEP access and the ability to provide a Special Education program record.
A one day mobility record must be provided prior to the start of this school year to pick up why the student did not return from serving the expulsion last year.
Public schools must report those title-serviced students in one of the public school title buildings by and IDOE will pick up the non-pub school enrollment to know where the student is actually attending.
Public schools will provide a Student School Association (enrollment) record with the primary school identified as ‘false’ which will allow the school to provide the Title program record.
It is fine waiting for a short time to either receive a records request from another school or continuing to work in making contact with the parent/guardian to locate where the student is attending before exiting the student. However, all students that have not been in attendance prior to the first membership certification must be exited before the count/census date. Students who have not attended must have an exit date provided prior to the first day of the school calendar. Students enrolled in another school and both your corporation and the new corporation are submitting enrollment data to DEX will have a conflict message for the STN. The conflict will need to be resolved by exiting the student, correcting the existing exit date, or correcting the existing entry date. Enrollment records between to school IDs cannot have the same date or overlapping dates.
Primary schools identified as 'false' for evaluation purposes does not have to provide the student address information. IDOE will pick up this information from the non-public school that is identified as primary 'true'.
Access school is the SE program record's school Id and is the school that should have access to the IIEP. Accountable is the school that is accountable for the student's education. Servicing school is the school providing the special education services to the student (typically the same as the access school).
Students who are only being reported for services will have an enrollment record and a Special Education program record and possibly a Title I record - no other data needs to be provided.
If a student is being withdrawn and the parent is going to provide homeschool education, code 20 is appropriate. If they are being withdrawn and not going to receive formal education, 51 is always the code to use.
Records retention schedule can be found here. Refer specifically to Section 511 IAC 7-38-3.
Service only students should have a student school association (enrollment) record with primary school = false and then the program association records; nothing else.
Cathy Danyluk, State Attendance Officer, provided guidance that the school should consult with local legal counsel regarding what documentation could be provided to confirm withdrawal since exit record cannot be entered until following year.