FAQ: Ed-ID Portal

FAQ: Ed-ID Portal

Creating & Merging

With Ed-ID, school personnel will no longer assign IDs locally. Instead, they’ll utilize the Ed-ID portal to request IDs for students and staff. The new Ed-ID portal will continue to assign a unique, nine-character Ed-ID for a student, beginning with the letter, 'T'. This ID will be assigned randomly rather than being assigned by the school which utilized the next available number for that school. Staff will continue to have an eight-digit Ed-ID. Existing STNs and SPNs will still be valid and usable. IDOE will not be creating new Ed-IDs for existing students or staff.

Once a user submits a request to create a new Ed-ID, a search of existing IDs is first performed and the system assigns a score based on potential, existing matches found. If no records exist with a high match score, the request for a new Ed-ID will be auto-approved and created in the Ed-ID portal. If a potentially high match exists in the system, that match will be displayed back to you. If you request a new ID anyway, this will be queued for a support specialist to review and approve/deny.

  • Note: While an STN’s creation is either immediate or may be pending, all times may vary depending upon system use and user demand.

In this circumstance, report the same name in both the First Name and Last Name fields. So if the student is named “Cher”, enter “Cher” for First Name, and “Cher” for Last Name.

From the Ed-ID portal, no notification will be sent to a user. Schools will see the approval/completion from the Student Management Area on the Ed-ID portal or from reports returned via their SIS. Because SIS vendors have their own integrations with Ed-ID, your individual vendors will need to provide guidance on how this will appear when working through them."

Schools’ SIS vendors have the ability to connect directly to IDOE’s API to allow the SIS vendor system to request the Ed-ID directly through the local SIS. Many SIS vendors are working to connect their systems to IDOE’s identities API at a later date. Vendors will be certifying these data as part of the certification process for Ed-FI v6 for SY 2024 and providing training on their systems. Users should anticipate using manual processes and user interfaces via the Ed-ID portal until the SIS vendor has completed certification and provided training. More information regarding the vendor badging process can be found online here

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