FAQ: Special Education
Former user (Deleted)
Linda A Turner
Michelle Tubbs
Emma Kershner
The begin date is either the first date of the student’s enrollment in the school and program, the first date the student is identified as eligible and starts in a program, the date of services beginning in the specific program OR the same date as the parent referral/consent if the student is being evaluated for services. The begin date doesn't have to match the conference date and will not match if a student’s program or disabilities change and cause a new program record to be provided.
Not always; the service begin date may not match if there is a program change or disabilities change causing the need for a new program record (service begin date). The IEP review date is the original Case Conference Date. Annual case conference review dates are not to be provided.
Best practice is to add an end date to the current record and create a new program record for the updated exceptionality.
No, as long as the old dates are kept in the record on the on the Evaluation portion of the Special Education program record it will not be flagged for Evaluation. The parent referral/consent date is what triggers the record for EV certification.
For a First Steps transition conference, student service dates must be the day services begin whether it is the day of the case conference or later date. Services must be started by the date student turns 3 yrs old to be compliant unless a valid reason is given. The Initial Case Conference Date is what is used to monitor the timeliness of the initial evaluation process. It must be by the time the student reaches their 3rd birthday.
Entry record data can begin coming through DEX for following school year if marked after 7/1.
If consent is revoked, eligibility is still True but you should Terminate the Special Education record with code 1 - Transferred to Regular Education when consent is revoked.
Yes, Provide an exit date when the student is determined ineligible and code 99. Leave the program as undefined.
If evaluation was completed elsewhere it may be left blank. IF your SIS vendor requires the date be provided you will need to request the date from the previously enrolled school.
As long as compliance timeline was met, the record is compliant no matter if services are ever provided (except for First Steps student). If parent refuses services just provide exit date and reason code 16.
Students participating in an RTI process should only be entered into the system if the initial educational evaluation is conducted in order to determine the student’s eligibility for special education. This may occur before, during or after the participation in RTI.
Use code 16-Moved, but continuing in a General Education program ONLY or moved out of state. May also be used when student has attended a nonpublic school or homeschool that does not submit data. ex: student graduated from nonpublic HS that does not submit data - submit code 16 rather than 11.
If vendor requires a date use 6/30/22. If vendor has no requirement then it may be left blank.
Enrollment / Transfers
Special Education Program Association is tied to a SchoolID.
The school that is managing or responsible for the Indiana IEP will report the SE program record.
When a student that has withdrawn from a corporation and returns, a second Special Education program record would need to be created showing the break in services.
If there is an SSA conflict then the record will not update. The system looks for a Special Education Program record first and if no program record is found then the system looks at SSA records. In the instance of two active SSA records, both with primary school true, the system will provide access to the most recently submitted SSA record.
Guidance can be found via the IEP/ILP Support Role - Who to Assign? document,
Non-Public Schools
Public schools not providing the special education services will only provide the SE program record for evaluation purposes (as needed). The private school student with CSEP will provide the Special Education program record for SE certification.
Only report if providing CSEP under the voucher program.
It has to be your SchoolId that is managing the IEP.
No, The public school will report the SE program record for certification.
Public schools will report SE program data for certification on the non-public students they ‘own’ or are responsible for managing the Indiana IEP. Non-public schools identified as providing all SE services to a choice voucher student reports SE program data for SE certification.
Please use this documentation found here.
Legal framework indicates placing exceptionality most adversely affecting the student's education to progress in the primary location in the IEP as well as any secondary exceptionalities in the proper order. Exceptionality placement in IEP must be documented via evaluation and services described in IEP.
Leave program Undefined, change IDEA Eligibility to True; this will identify the student as eligible for initial evaluation but will not count for December 1 count. You may add an end date to the program or leave blank.
You must have an student enrollment present, as well as the dependencies for that enrollment record.
PK students will be funded at the PK level no matter the primary exceptionality reported.
Any accommodations needed and are not provided from IEP or ILP should be submitted from the SIS or template - IEP and ILP accommodations will override anything provided.
Since PK student is in PK (Regular Early Childhood) program (no matter how much time during the day) report 27 or 29. Code 36 would be reported for students only receiving SE services and no educational services anywhere. See this resource guidance: https://inlearninglab.com/resources/preschool-special-education-data-collection-practical-tools-to-improve-data-reliability
Please check that the EdOrdID on the SE record is the same as the school ID on the SSA. If you still cannot solve the issue, submit a ticket to the Support Team.
Please reach out to PCG at indianaiep@pcgus.com.
Reporting in Combination with Other Programs
You would report this students' attendance as 'in attendance'.
If parent decision - Timeline compliance is 01.
If a Case Conference decision, then student would have IEP and would report the Special Education program record. Location would be separate school (legacy code 53). If attendance at ABA is parent decision (not a Case Conference decision) would not report.
Report code 01-Parent Refused. Keep program as Undefined although eligibiity is now TRUE. Close record with 99. Student not reported for TR since services were delivered.
If your SIS does not currently support sending SE data then you must submit via template. Please see the Template Hub for more details.
No, do not submit this data via template. Doing so would like cause duplication of SE data when the vendor issue is resolved. Continue reaching out to your vendor support for assistance. If no resolution is found, please create an IDOE Support Team Ticket here.
Schools should report the graduate (academic record) in their cohort year. The student is still able to be enrolled and may continue their education until they either age out or decide to quit. The Special Education Termination data is provided when the student ends their special education services NOT when the certificate is reported during the cohort year.
As long as you gave an exit code (moved out of state 16) there should not be anything is needed.
Students must have a relationship existing with the school. This may require a one day enrollment (mobility) record prior to the first day of the school calendar. This one day record should already exist if you have provided a reason the student has not returned or is considered a ‘no show’. This will allow the special education program record to have a termination date matching the one day enrollment record providing the accurate reason for termination of SE services.
SPED record will have an end date to the program and reason; SSA will be one day mobility - no SEORA record is required
If the student is terminated from services prior to meeting their grad requirements (prior to July 1) then schools should select the appropriate termination reason; if the services continue after July 1 while the student is working to meeting the graduation requirements then graduate termination reason will be reported and certified in the following school year.
Schools should be reporting all termination reasons for any student they were servicing and are no longer servicing including 'no shows'. To submit the data a one day school association prior to the calendar should have been provided to show the mobility; if not then this will need to be done, then a SE program record needs to be provided with the end date and accurate termination reason.
IDOE recommends ending the SE program record with a code “99” anytime the program and or student exceptionality changes.
You will need to end the program record on one date and then begin the new program the following day. You will also need to end the program record and begin a new one the following day if the school ID changes since EdOrgID is unique to the record
For termination record, end the record at the time when you think they were completely done; when you know they are coming back, keep it open.
Schools providing records in the current school year ODS will be included in the roster and certification. Schools providing records with a school year other than the current school year ODS will not be included in the roster and certification.