FAQ: Student Academic Record

FAQ: Student Academic Record

Transfer Course/Credit Concerns

If there is a partnership between the school and another entity, students must be assigned to each course title/section and course outcome reported. Schools will need to report the student section (schedules) accurately with a TOR (staff section) associated.

  • Course outcome data will be provided with method credit earned type* of “Credit Recovery” if earned within a credit recovery classroom.

  • Course outcome data will be provided with method credit earned type* of “Online/Virtual credit” if earned in a virtual setting not in a classroom. This would include, for example, Indiana Online Academy.

Schools should not be providing course outcomes/credits earned that have been issued from another Indiana school. IDOE expects this data to be provided by the issuing school.

GPS is not using transfer credits (currently) and is only using credits earned/reported by the school. When HS on track is implemented then IDOE will look at a student's entire credit history.

All transfer credits will be provided with the current reporting school year and reported with the school ID that is reporting the data. IDOE will recognize the credits earned are not from the school reporting when it is from out of state or homeschool. Term desciptor must exist so we pick up the record.

This is a local decision of how long a student is in the course to qualify as earning a final grade and credit (when a high school course) otherwise report No Grade Awarded.

If the student is not utilizing the credits for high school graduation requirements, the courses do not need to be reported to IDOE.

If the credits are being utilized to fulfill a students’ graduation requirements and there is not an agreement between the home school and college (i.e. guardians are registering/paying for course) the outcome will be reported as a transfer credit.

Course Transcripts


Course Outcomes

Graduation / Graduation Pathways

Reporting Timelines

Student Course Scheduling

Career Centers and Co-Ops